Had to go visit a client yesterday. They own a storage building. Their tenant was loading clinker (used to make cement) into the building and they exceeded the recommended max load height in the building. It blew the entire concrete reinforced rear wall of the building out
Had to go visit a client yesterday. They own a storage building. Their tenant was loading clinker (used to make cement) into the building and they exceeded the recommended max load height in the building. It blew the entire concrete reinforced rear wall of the building out
what you do gnomes? Insurance :-?
Yeah I'm an insurance broker
The assessor/loss adjuster reckons it'll cost $350k+ to fix....ouch
Ha ha that'd be nice
But I only get paid commission on sales not on claims
Otherwise I might be inclined to burn shit down
insurance business \m/
How is it a scam?
You don't want it then don't buy it????
But don't whine if your car is stolen/your house burns down etc and you have no insurance
And it pays well
dont like the scam join it B-)
rip nelson mandela
Mandela \m/
Driving home tonight in shit weather ....
weather forecast for the next few days.....
In just over 24 hours though I'll be hopping on a plane to somewhere warmer and drier
I have a signature tag?
fuck manny is making his debut in Colorado