Seriously though only two things make me irate....gojira.....and the lions. You just don't get what it's like having to be a lions fan...if I could id kill myself
i feel like my humor is going to be missed in this online class. doing introductions and this girl said her daughters name was Journey so i replied and said i liked it and not many people had it. i said if i ever have a kid that i would want to name him Seven..
Duh it's Monday :-??
rex fucking irate fuck
U don't know dis lyf ky
Seriously though only two things make me irate....gojira.....and the lions. You just don't get what it's like having to be a lions fan...if I could id kill myself
ky Toddz
Chick my wife went to HS with changed her FB pic...
Travis' wife?
i feel like my humor is going to be missed in this online class. doing introductions and this girl said her daughters name was Journey so i replied and said i liked it and not many people had it. i said if i ever have a kid that i would want to name him Seven..
that's andre 3000 and erykah badu's son's name
oops forgot to copy/paste the link. Aborted called a restaurant the best thing on Iowa
They're money hungry. If they were serious about that shit, they would have said something oh I don't know like 40 fuckin years ago.
did you listen to the spirit song?
Holy shit that was surprisingly close. But why so long, and why is the lawyer doing this after the dude died?