First of all you cant even use that analogy because you drink shit beer. And Frank's is definitely a hot sauce. Its not really that hot but it has good flavor. Sriracha has heat but tastes like butthole. If you're gonna use hot sauce get some good shit.
fuck they have sriracha at subway now ^:)^
You a good 4-5 months late. Dive in the deep end wit a flak jacket.
0 I hope you finally get a live show and some negro shoots you dead
Live like a G.
Die like a G.
I'm don'tind it except for it fucks my FF rule
Its a sriracha mayo mix. Its not great. I want Chipotle to add sriracha to their menu. They would become an unstoppable force.
sriracha is absolutely disgusting
you sound like a gay
You are talking about when a man touches another man correct :-?
Chipotle and sriracha are both undeniably amazing, anyone who doesn't agree is clearly a homosexual
That shit is fucking gross. Franks >>>
franks ain't even hot sauce Yo....that's like drinking Budweiser cause that's all you can afford
never had sriracha :?
Lol my girl says it's crack sauce
Sadistic Intent is playing in Detroit in May \m/
Goddamn I hate the new layout
Get some. Only the Huy Fong foods brand though. The other kinds suck.
Its red jalapenos, garlic, and sugar. its kind of sweet but not really. It is very good
Its great on Asian foods. It is great on most things though. If something is good with hot sauce it will be better with sriracha.