Kind of a shame with Blackberry... They used to be ahead of the curve, and now they suck more than Window's phones. They were good business phones, I'll give them that.
I was just officially offered a job with my County. It's only $24,000 a year but for a 22 year old its not bad at all. Especially for being my first good job. I have only ever worked at McDonalds before this.
once we are able to upload pics I think in gonna like it a lot
I didn't wanna get all noisy on Facebook but you said you quit your job right? How you still Finna get unemployment :-?
UFC tomorrow, Lorde concert Sunday. Bet.
Rex420 said:
Kind of a shame with Blackberry... They used to be ahead of the curve, and now they suck more than Window's phones. They were good business phones, I'll give them that.
fucking excited for Ufc 171....hopefully the card lives up to it's potential
yeah, don't do that. i'm trying to piss off my old co-workers so they'll all join in on the lawsuit against the firm
that sucks they shorted your check though
whole international business class probably thinks im weird and crazy now...
You are tho
........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
..........''...\.......... _.·´
That flag
this chick totally just thought I was checking her out but really I was just amazed that someone other then Todd still had a blackberry