I've seen crazier stuff go down. Its like this bitch suing the band for dude stage diving. You're at a concert and up front you know the risks get the fuck back if you don't like it.
Its been posted about on here before. I feel for dude that died after stage diving during terror. I had a very bad head injury from stage diving myself. I never even thought of pressing charges on the venue though it would have been very easy to.
This dude does sound like a douche but I am with Satan you know the kind of shit that goes on stay back if you don't want to risk anything.
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
So....you dont feel bad for the chick who got her skull smashed after being jumped on.....but you feel for the dude who willingly jumped off the stage and died?
I guess I could have worded it better he made a dumb choice like I did and paid for it. I meant more of I have been there and it kind of scared me when it happened to me and then I saw what the end result could be when I read the story.
People can get out of the way its pretty simple. Skull smashed? She was treated and released pretty quickly don't make it sound worse than it was.
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
I went to a show a few years back where some dude grabbed a shirt off the merch table and ran out the door, then the vocalist of that band chased him down and tackled his ass in the parking lot and pulled a gun out of the dudes pocket.
When I was 18, I worked security for a venue. Pennywise was playing. The guy next to me working front of stage wasn't hip to punk culture and was being too rough with the crowd surfers. I noticed that the band was getting pissed about it, so I had him trade out with me so I would be in the middle. I guess Pennywise didn't notice that I was the same guy that had been driving them around all day (or didn't care), and in the interim between the next 2 songs the singer went on a tangent talking about "fuck these security guys for roughing you up, this stage is your stage". Next thing I knew, I had about 30 teenagers mobbing me, kicking me and trying to jump on me. Jimmy from Murphy's Law had to get up on stage and pull me out. I ended up with a concussion and whiplash and had to be carted off to the hospital. I was pressed pretty heavily by friends and family to file charges and/or lawsuits against the venue and band. I did neither. I regret nothing now, even though there is still a spot on the base of my neck that I still have no feeling because of nerve damage and I ended up having major back surgery 3 years later due to issues that resulted from the incident. It's rock n roll. Shit happens. I knew what I was getting into and if I didn't have the testicular fortitude for it, I should've found me a spot in the back
But seriously...fuck Pennywise. Bunch of fuckin douchebags
I guess I could have worded it better he made a dumb choice like I did and paid for it. I meant more of I have been there and it kind of scared me when it happened to me and then I saw what the end result could be when I read the story.
People can get out of the way its pretty simple. Skull smashed? She was treated and released pretty quickly don't make it sound worse than it was.
I was talking about the Fishbone chick. Is it even confirmed the letlive chick is gonna sue?
Also Ape she wasnt up front. The dude jumped off the balcony. I've been to the venue and there's no way he could've jumped from the balcony to the front of the crowd. Not only was she probably in the middle or back area, she had to be off to the side as well.
If she is back to middle wouldn't dude have to let people know his intentions before he jumps in some way so that he doesn't just hit the floor or break someone's neck?
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
One of my favorite rappers jumped from stage and hurt people recently too. He also jumped from stupid high up...He climbed a rope to the rafters and actually hurt people but wasnt arrested(I dont think)
Man Letlive fans are so hardcore 8->
Whoever goes to a concert like that and presses charges for stage diving is a faggot
Its been posted about on here before. I feel for dude that died after stage diving during terror. I had a very bad head injury from stage diving myself. I never even thought of pressing charges on the venue though it would have been very easy to.
This dude does sound like a douche but I am with Satan you know the kind of shit that goes on stay back if you don't want to risk anything.
People can get out of the way its pretty simple. Skull smashed? She was treated and released pretty quickly don't make it sound worse than it was.
When I was 18, I worked security for a venue. Pennywise was playing. The guy next to me working front of stage wasn't hip to punk culture and was being too rough with the crowd surfers. I noticed that the band was getting pissed about it, so I had him trade out with me so I would be in the middle. I guess Pennywise didn't notice that I was the same guy that had been driving them around all day (or didn't care), and in the interim between the next 2 songs the singer went on a tangent talking about "fuck these security guys for roughing you up, this stage is your stage". Next thing I knew, I had about 30 teenagers mobbing me, kicking me and trying to jump on me. Jimmy from Murphy's Law had to get up on stage and pull me out. I ended up with a concussion and whiplash and had to be carted off to the hospital. I was pressed pretty heavily by friends and family to file charges and/or lawsuits against the venue and band. I did neither. I regret nothing now, even though there is still a spot on the base of my neck that I still have no feeling because of nerve damage and I ended up having major back surgery 3 years later due to issues that resulted from the incident. It's rock n roll. Shit happens. I knew what I was getting into and if I didn't have the testicular fortitude for it, I should've found me a spot in the back
But seriously...fuck Pennywise. Bunch of fuckin douchebags
This article has a "metalsucks" vibe too it.