Practicing guitar just now, and I just felt down the entire time. So much so I actually stopped. None of the bands I have worked with in Nashville have worked. My band back home hasn't done anything in almost a year. I'm pretty sure my band mates aren't as interested and committed anymore. I've hit a creative lull personally. Haven't really written anything in forever. I feel like I've hit a wall as far as playing improvement goes...
And I'm beginning to feel intimidated again by everyone else here who is so much better and more organized than I am. I think I'm beginning to realize my music "career" isn't going to go anywhere. Bums me out.
You're in a rut man. Are you friends with the people who are you feel intimidated by due to their organization and skill level? Maybe hang out with them more and see what a day in their life is really like for music. I typically find the people I am intimated by are usually not what I build them up to be because I am self-conscious about my own abilities. You might find an even playing field which will help you gain confidence back. The more you jam with others, the more you discover about yourself. Don't let the genre hold you back. Maybe ask others to teach you a thing or two from what their doing. Punk, metal, blues, etc. Learning something new is a way to feel rejuvenated and restore confidence.
I dunno if you took the time to listen to the demo I Just put out. It's 10 minutes of music over 6 songs. We have a 7th ready that we just didn't have time to record. That shit took almost 18 months for me to finally get out to everyone. Yes, 18 months for 10 minutes of music recorded in a basement. The journey was frustrating as hell. I started jamming in October 2012 under this band. The bassist and other guitarist stuck it out from day 1 as we had a revolving door with vocals and drums. Shit was always hard to deal with. Most of our friends knew we were jamming and they began to build a hype around us. We were offered shows just to try to speed up the pace it was taking to find the right members. I lived in fear of disappointment to everyone, thinking the project would never go anywhere and at times I considered just folding it and telling the others to stop wasting their time and go on about other projects they are/were involved with. Then the right pieces fell into place and outta nowhere came the biggest confidence booster and the work and time put in paid off. Being a musician requires constantly adjusting to everything around us to keep us fresh and focused.
I think you feel this way because of the label "drugs"
Like seriously have you even considered the ridiculous amounts of positive effects marijuana has on your body? Let alone your mind
And fuck man mushrooms would probably change your life for the better.... Mushys can do some seriously positive things to you man
I'm not hating on you man....but you seriously need to start looking at life with more of an open mind or you are gonna end up a bitter miserable human being
Drug use made me a better person. Syrup caused "ego death" quite a few times due to it being a dissociative and it made me look at some things a lot differently, and act differently as well.
Then weed just in general keeps me a lot more mellow and keeps me from sweating petty bullshit.
I dunno if you took the time to listen to the demo I Just put out. It's 10 minutes of music over 6 songs. We have a 7th ready that we just didn't have time to record. That shit took almost 18 months for me to finally get out to everyone. Yes, 18 months for 10 minutes of music recorded in a basement. The journey was frustrating as hell. I started jamming in October 2012 under this band. The bassist and other guitarist stuck it out from day 1 as we had a revolving door with vocals and drums. Shit was always hard to deal with. Most of our friends knew we were jamming and they began to build a hype around us. We were offered shows just to try to speed up the pace it was taking to find the right members. I lived in fear of disappointment to everyone, thinking the project would never go anywhere and at times I considered just folding it and telling the others to stop wasting their time and go on about other projects they are/were involved with. Then the right pieces fell into place and outta nowhere came the biggest confidence booster and the work and time put in paid off. Being a musician requires constantly adjusting to everything around us to keep us fresh and focused.
Playing and writing is the problem.
Without a doubt what he needs
Out of 20 songs written for my next mixtape, only 3 are gonna make the cut so far.
Those 3 were written while extremely under the influence.
Hopefully I can sneak in some sexy time.
Like seriously have you even considered the ridiculous amounts of positive effects marijuana has on your body? Let alone your mind
And fuck man mushrooms would probably change your life for the better.... Mushys can do some seriously positive things to you man
I'm not hating on you man....but you seriously need to start looking at life with more of an open mind or you are gonna end up a bitter miserable human being
Shoot up and OD then.
Then weed just in general keeps me a lot more mellow and keeps me from sweating petty bullshit.