Yeah my grandfather was in the 17th during WW2 and trained the 82nd afterwards. They interviewed him for a special before they originally aired the first episode of the miniseries. I have to get the DVD or Bluray collection to see if it's on there. I never saw the show because I was too young when it came out and for some reason I just have never watched it since
There are so many people in this from before they were famous. First episode and I spotted Michael Fassbender, Tom Hardy, and Simon Pegg.
It's funny sometime after people get famous for certain roles and you see them in other shit. Like how Vern and Ryan O'Reily fromthe cast of Oz really want you to have auto insurance.
The way she kept typing seemed all too familiar. First off it wasn't like her at all, second of all it was the same "stream of thought/internal monologue" style of writing that I unintentionally do every single time I sip syrup. I mentioned this to her and said "You sure you ain't on anything?". And she said she drank a bunch of NyQuil "to avoid nightmares" which doesn't even make sense, but NyQuil has DXM lmaooo.
There are so many people in this from before they were famous. First episode and I spotted Michael Fassbender, Tom Hardy, and Simon Pegg.
The way she kept typing seemed all too familiar. First off it wasn't like her at all, second of all it was the same "stream of thought/internal monologue" style of writing that I unintentionally do every single time I sip syrup. I mentioned this to her and said "You sure you ain't on anything?". And she said she drank a bunch of NyQuil "to avoid nightmares" which doesn't even make sense, but NyQuil has DXM lmaooo.