I'd like to go but it depends on whether or not I have get a job by then. I've seen Amon Amarth twice, and once was the Surtur Rising tour when they played two sets. Kind of hard to beat that. And while I'd love to see Enslaved again, I don't want an Enslaved opening set. Last time I saw them they played for almost 2 hours.
Only time I've seen them before was Mayhem Fest which was poopy from my position.
Also I legitimately have never heard anybody talk about Enslaved before. I listened to "The Watcher" when they were announced for this tour and didn't really like it. Because of you guys I'm now listening to "Ethica Odini" and it's fucking awesome.
So I been taking singing lessons for about 7 months. Made a ridiculous amount of progress. I figure Im'ma go until about June, that way I have a year under my belt, and then I'll be switching to piano and theory lessons at the same place, just a different teacher. Only ending the singing lessons because, while I love my teacher and am more than grateful for how helpful she's been, there's only so much that can actually be TAUGHT about singing. After that it's just rehashing what you already know. From a technical aspect, I know pretty much everything there is to know about singing at this point. Now it's basically all on me to take everything I know and continue to practice my ass off and improve (Inb4 some dumb ass like Xeno says I have an ego and I'm giving myself all the credit.).
Already talked to my teacher about this and we exchanged online info and everything so I can show her my mixtape down the road, something she essentially helped me create.
Time to start The Sopranos.
Embrace of the Endless Ocean [-O<
Also I legitimately have never heard anybody talk about Enslaved before. I listened to "The Watcher" when they were announced for this tour and didn't really like it. Because of you guys I'm now listening to "Ethica Odini" and it's fucking awesome.
Noob issues.
It'd be cool if Amon amarth made silk screened tour posters, but i doubt it.
I have like 16 SW questions, but only 7 for Enslaved so far
Already talked to my teacher about this and we exchanged online info and everything so I can show her my mixtape down the road, something she essentially helped me create.