And today she goes into the whole "you're getting to that age where you may start looking at girls as people you want to spend your life with, and starting a family with, etc" thing. Like no. I'm not interested in marriage or kids. I've mentioned that before. Why even ask?
Lol, as if there is a set age for all that to start happening.
Some people get married in their 40's, some get married at 20, some don't get married at all, and none of it is inherently wrong.
Nah it was Nick when we ran to the car for a smoke break. Started talking about saxophone and then he played it. Forgot all about it until about a week ago. Not quite the same impact as the other two.
So i jusy looked at that bdm set in a chat that you were soammig all over the place and then you fags said it was fake. Kill yourselves, it was the whole set mixed up with like 4 other tool and log songs. Kill yourselves.
Well all I can say is maybe you'll change your mind one day having a kid is awesome. Its hard to describe the feeling.
Honestly as much crap as I talk about having kids, I will probably have one at some point in time. I just feel I'm too young and dependent to even think about it at this point.
It is nice to not be pressured into it like MC's mom is doing though.
Nobody should pressure anyone. And you saying what you did about not having kids is a mature way of looking at things because you realize it may not put you in the best situation.
I will tell you though there is nothing like the first time you hold your own baby, see him smile, and laugh for the first time.
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
Some people get married in their 40's, some get married at 20, some don't get married at all, and none of it is inherently wrong.
All three have one thing in common: I was 420 as a motherfucker
sam must have put it on or something.
not that black and white but I get pretty strong vibes of them
Whenever i try to upload it, it says "unrecognizable file format".
help plz :-SS
It is nice to not be pressured into it like MC's mom is doing though.
I will tell you though there is nothing like the first time you hold your own baby, see him smile, and laugh for the first time.
Plus having a kid requires having sex X_X :-t