oh yeah with those other two guys. I didn't even remember he played them, weird. btw I just checked out foxygen's "make it known."
not that black and white but I get pretty strong vibes of them
Honestly I've really only been listening to the album that came out this year nonstop. Been meaning to check out the other album. They made the first one when they were 14 and still playing school talent shows so I've been meaning to do that one for the lol factor, they said their voices were still all high and they would use every instrument they could find even though they couldn't play
yeah sam introduced me to them right after we came off a huge local natives binge and I was pretty indie'd out. but after a bit I really started liking them.
0 about tesseract or w/e But ill give grizzly bear a shot :-?
whats wrong, half gate, knife, foreground, two weeks, and little brother are probably my favorites.
I think youtube has two weeks listed as one of the first ones. just dont do what I did and hear two weeks thinking they sound like that, because thats one of their poppiest/basic songs. its a great one but not a good indication of their other work.
While I couldn't name 5 djent bands if I tried, I agree with the way you described them. They're a nice change of pace to listen to when I'm stoned lol
That blog has been doing them for years, that's one of the first ones from like 2006 I think. Yesterday I went through and watch Portugal. The Man, The Lumineers, Foxygen, Fleet Foxes, and like 20 others I can't remember. Animal Collective has two that are really cool, one they're just fucking around making noise with everything they find...including all of them banging a shopping cart with drumsticks haha
Megadeth. Nonpoint and Fear Factory both blow. Hopefully megadeth slays tonight because of not I'm going to regret not going to skeletonwitch/bdm again instead.
Just remembered at the show last night Trevor's parents were both at the show and were drunk as fuck and at one point Trevor's dad ended up in the pit and made his way to the rail and went bezerk the whole set. Shit was cash lol
but its ok I guess ) ) >-
But ill give grizzly bear a shot :-?
I think youtube has two weeks listed as one of the first ones. just dont do what I did and hear two weeks thinking they sound like that, because thats one of their poppiest/basic songs. its a great one but not a good indication of their other work.