The length of the song or it's inspiration? Because if you think an 11 hour song is dumb, that's whatever, but if you think drug inspired music is dumb, ky. Because that's a REALLY large body of music you'd be dismissing, assuming that's the case.
I can name 999,999 other things that I'd rather do wasting a half a day of my life rather than listening to a huff ass Grind band's 11 hour song that is more than likely the exact same notes being repeated for that entire span.
So in addition to the Gojira/Slayer show tomorrow in CT I just got 2 free tickets to the MA date on Saturday. I know a dude who is already going to both dates so if I can hitch a ride with him I'll be double dipping into this tour.
Seriously this might be the coolest music block/vlog out there