Some girl from my class shared this. Bitch I know one teacher that covered all of those with me, as well as some other teachers that also covered some of the topics.
No, we were taught all of them. Like I said I had one teacher who over all four years covered the topics multiple times. Some of them were electives like accounting, business math and consumer econ though. I took every business class my school had haha
IMO you pretty much get out of school what you put in. You don't have to rely on inept teachers to learn. I've learned so much more on my own than in school, but that's more a statement on my own drive to learn than my schooling
Cockblocked by the buckeye state :-L
Band name: 'Tell The Wolves I'm Home'
Do these people even try anymore?
dafuq man
-No Teenager Ever
We half assed some resumes once that's it