She won't stop crying. She doesn't have a fever and she's still eating but the crying will not stop no matter what I do. So we'll see what's going on Thursday.
Colic. My daughter had it too. They have colic drops. But honestly nothing really works.
I give her gripe water and some other Drops but they don't work. She's really gassy and I burp her a lot but its not enough or it could be colic. I switched her formula she was drinking similac the blue one and now I'm giving her enfamil the gentlease one but she still won't stop the crying. I'm exhausted and tired. .sleepy.. there's days I go without eating. . I just want her to be ok.
Talk to pedi about the soy
My appointment is on Thursday. I'm going to talk to her. I've tried everything and im just so tired..its gotten to the point where whenever my husband calls me..he just fucking annoys me. I can't stand him..but I know its just because I'm so exhausted and the lack of sleep.
Hang in there. It gets better. Maybe he can let you take a nap when he gets home
Lol uhhhhh we don't live together since he's stationed in Colorado. So I'm doing this alone
She won't stop crying. She doesn't have a fever and she's still eating but the crying will not stop no matter what I do. So we'll see what's going on Thursday.
Colic. My daughter had it too. They have colic drops. But honestly nothing really works.
I give her gripe water and some other Drops but they don't work. She's really gassy and I burp her a lot but its not enough or it could be colic. I switched her formula she was drinking similac the blue one and now I'm giving her enfamil the gentlease one but she still won't stop the crying. I'm exhausted and tired. .sleepy.. there's days I go without eating. . I just want her to be ok.
Talk to pedi about the soy
My appointment is on Thursday. I'm going to talk to her. I've tried everything and im just so tired..its gotten to the point where whenever my husband calls me..he just fucking annoys me. I can't stand him..but I know its just because I'm so exhausted and the lack of sleep.
Hang in there. It gets better. Maybe he can let you take a nap when he gets home
Lol uhhhhh we don't live together since he's stationed in Colorado. So I'm doing this alone
Raising both kids alone. It DOES get easier girl, I promise you.
She won't stop crying. She doesn't have a fever and she's still eating but the crying will not stop no matter what I do. So we'll see what's going on Thursday.
Colic. My daughter had it too. They have colic drops. But honestly nothing really works.
I give her gripe water and some other Drops but they don't work. She's really gassy and I burp her a lot but its not enough or it could be colic. I switched her formula she was drinking similac the blue one and now I'm giving her enfamil the gentlease one but she still won't stop the crying. I'm exhausted and tired. .sleepy.. there's days I go without eating. . I just want her to be ok.
Talk to pedi about the soy
My appointment is on Thursday. I'm going to talk to her. I've tried everything and im just so tired..its gotten to the point where whenever my husband calls me..he just fucking annoys me. I can't stand him..but I know its just because I'm so exhausted and the lack of sleep.
Hang in there. It gets better. Maybe he can let you take a nap when he gets home
Lol uhhhhh we don't live together since he's stationed in Colorado. So I'm doing this alone
Raising both kids alone. It DOES get easier girl, I promise you.
Omg you're awesome! I have one that won't stop crying all day and most of the night and I'm complaining. . I seriously can't wait till Thursday. I hope she says to change formula and it will magically go away.... because my mom threw out the "if you love your daughter you're going to take her to church this Sunday" today...I don't want to deal with that. .. I've tried everything for my kid already..
I also would like for me to be like see mom it was just this. I can't believe she said that to me today. Like if I don't take her I don't love her. I love my child but I have this whole thing where I feel most ppl that go to church are a hypocrite
That's a little ridiculous. Of course you love your kid.
And I know it's hard. My daughter had colic. We did end up switching to soy formula, and that worked for the most part, but not completely. Luckily my son didn't have it, but i'm not sure if it's because he was breastfed or not. Good luck though, and keep me updated. I hope it gets better.
What about reflux? Or silent reflux? My daughter was a shocking sleeper. She would rarely sleep during the day and if she did it was for 30-40 minutes. My wife was shattered as she wasn't getting a break during the day. We often wonder if she had silent reflux It'll get better/easier Hang in there and take help from friends and family if they offer
I also would like for me to be like see mom it was just this. I can't believe she said that to me today. Like if I don't take her I don't love her. I love my child but I have this whole thing where I feel most ppl that go to church are a hypocrite
I fucking hate I get religion and how it can help people... But the way churches are run just makes me sick....iv made myself go a couple time either when I was going through a tough time or just did it so I could try and understand what people get from it...and every time I walk away disgusted with how badly all the people are brain washed :-L
how do you feel on addy in terms of being jittery/paranoid? Im curious because I was on it for quite some time and even though it did help me stay focused, it turned me into a fucking coffee pot and eventually it wasnt even worth it anymore.
max cavalera at a local best buy
And I know it's hard. My daughter had colic. We did end up switching to soy formula, and that worked for the most part, but not completely. Luckily my son didn't have it, but i'm not sure if it's because he was breastfed or not. Good luck though, and keep me updated. I hope it gets better.
My daughter was a shocking sleeper.
She would rarely sleep during the day and if she did it was for 30-40 minutes.
My wife was shattered as she wasn't getting a break during the day.
We often wonder if she had silent reflux
It'll get better/easier
Hang in there and take help from friends and family if they offer