One they shouldn't have put him in handcuffs. Two roll your windows up dude. Three my dog would do the same thing if someone was doing that to me. You know when he stops when I am able to calm him. Let the fucking guy calm the dog Four If you're going to shoot it don't just watch it struggle in pain finish him.
I'D kill that fucking cop if that were my dog.
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
Holy shit I just took this new preworkout called PWR and this is the most powerful shit I've ever taken. I literally feel high as fuck right now cot damn.
I fucking love they have so much awesome shit> i could be on that site for hours and still not get through half the shit they have.
I was sitting on my rooms patio in the dark and heard crunching and gnawing. turned on the light on my phone. 20ish javelinas. scattered away. holy fuck.
I was sitting on my rooms patio in the dark and heard crunching and gnawing. turned on the light on my phone. 20ish javelinas. scattered away. holy fuck.
I had to look up what a javelina was. Fuck all that Arizona nonsense. We usually only get random whitetail deer that creep through the yard sometimes )
Although we did just have black bear come wandering through the back yard of my in-laws house a few days ago... :-??
One they shouldn't have put him in handcuffs.
Two roll your windows up dude.
Three my dog would do the same thing if someone was doing that to me. You know when he stops when I am able to calm him. Let the fucking guy calm the dog
Four If you're going to shoot it don't just watch it struggle in pain finish him.
I'D kill that fucking cop if that were my dog.
Driving my friend and his family to the airport on Friday for $20.
Although we did just have black bear come wandering through the back yard of my in-laws house a few days ago... :-??