Wearing a rubber is like taking a shower with a rain coat on. What's the sense. Jack that ho up with some nonoxel 9 or make sure she is on the pill. I ain't gotta worry though. Wife's tubes are tied. FIRE AT WILL!!!!
Some girl earlier tweeted "My pussy taste like Pepsi-Cola" so naturally I google it to see what's up. I come to find out its a song and go on with my day. Now every time I type M into my computer My pussy taste like Pepsi-Cola comes up in the search bar )
Like literally, I was out one time, my ex wanted to fuck. I absolutely refused and basically said suck my dick and I'll eat dat mothafucka right, or we ain't doing anything at all.
Some girl earlier tweeted "My pussy taste like Pepsi-Cola" so naturally I google it to see what's up. I come to find out its a song and go on with my day. Now every time I type M into my computer My pussy taste like Pepsi-Cola comes up in the search bar )
woman are fertile like 3 days a month. figure out those days and keep the monster locked up
We compromised. :-c
>World War Z, best zombie movie ever, has a bad ending though.
it makes no sense #-o
Then nutt after??? That still leaves almost 3 full weeks a month to leave her dripping. Besides, that one week you can just nutt...somewhere else B-)