Facefuck is one of those bros that thinks that if he convinces people that he's simply not interested in girls, that it'll help hide his insecurities about people's perception of his pursuit of women
You're either gay or a pussy. Inb4 all you want
I can promise you I'm not gay. But I'm not in any way looking for a "one night stand" sort of thing, not saying she's trying to do that, but it seems way too try hard. Idk it's just not what I'm about.
Well I guess I nailed it this time, I texted my friend Matt asking "hey you still up?", cause I was suppose to text him something a while ago, and his response was "Yeah I'm up. You know that chick Jessica? Yeah I'm about to fuck her lol, later.".
I get annoyed by people that brag or feel the need to announce online that they are drunk, in the proccess of getting drunk, or going to be drinking. Same goes for getting high.
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
An attractive girl is basically throwing herself at me on FB chat right now, and all I want to do is stop talking, idk what the fuck I'm thinking, but something doesn't feel right.
I get annoyed by people that brag or feel the need to announce online that they are drunk, in the proccess of getting drunk, or going to be drinking. Same goes for getting high.
Oh welp
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
The only thing you could break is wind
on life .....
yes this was dumb, i know.