Debating skipping Valient Thorr tonight and getting drunk. If it wasn't for the past 8 days of music in 13 days, we'd definitely be going....but now I wouldn't mind missing it lol
It is, but its also hilarious to watch unfold. I used to tend bar at a large amphitheater and my bar was next to the potties and we got a show at least once for every concert I worked
Researching how to rig an amp to the factory headunit in my truck. -Find myself trailing off into different subjects like an MU thread.. -Find out my truck is made in Mexico. -End resarch..
The day you need a gun and don't have one, may be your last.
I've seen a dude jerk off in the middle of a Rammstein pit.
I may never be able to un-see that X_X
He was very very drunk and just pulled his pants and started jerking it in the pit during "Pussy". The foam they started shooting on the crowd only added to what was the strangest fucking moment I've seen at a concert.
nothing like a heap of drunken lust in the middle of boogers and shit stains
-Find myself trailing off into different subjects like an MU thread..
-Find out my truck is made in Mexico.
-End resarch..
I may never be able to un-see that X_X