Just visited my middle school 'cause it was the last day of school and visited all my old teachers. My Gym teacher, who fucking hated me and I went to extremes to give him shit, respected me for getting swole, and we spent like 20 minutes talking about lifting ahaha. All these motherfuckers are actually cool when they ain't your teachers.
Going to be honest here, this whole post is pretty weird. And I'm not saying this because I think you are a little shit, but really just because it is weird dude. Who goes back to their middle school to visit their old teachers? It's one thing if you have some sort of legit business like you are picking up you kid brother on the last day of school.... That's fine. But to just go over to a school that you havent attended in what 4 years?, just to visit with old teachers? It's weird dude. Kinda surprised the school would even let you in. My kids school doesnt let anyone in the school unless they have official business.
Some people do. When I was in middle school I seen about 5 different people visit their old teachers. And in high school I noticed about 7 did. It's not all that weird
I didn't do it 'cause I missed 'em or anything, I just figured why not and did it for my own amusement. Funny how basically all of 'em were cool when you ain't their student anymore.
sometimes here lately, i get the feeling that we're getting bored of fighting one another. like we only have certain things to say about people, and we've already said them so much that it's not even fun anymore
It's been this way for at least a year
It's not fun anymore and the people who try to make it fun make it worse. Niggers.
sometimes here lately, i get the feeling that we're getting bored of fighting one another. like we only have certain things to say about people, and we've already said them so much that it's not even fun anymore
It's been this way for at least a year
It's not fun anymore and the people who try to make it fun make it worse. Niggers.
i only had one teacher that was ever cool to me. her name was beth sams and she was super supportive of my writing. i tried to find her on fb once, but she's married and moved away and i don't know her new last name so i didn't get anywhere. i went back to my middle school once to pick my brother up and bumped into my old 8th grade science teacher. he was still a fucking twat
sometimes here lately, i get the feeling that we're getting bored of fighting one another. like we only have certain things to say about people, and we've already said them so much that it's not even fun anymore
It's been this way for at least a year
It's not fun anymore and the people who try to make it fun make it worse. Niggers.
Box me faggot.
I'll fuck you right here
I saw one of the only cool teachers I ever had today as well. I'll never forget her simply due to the fact that any time I had detention, which was extremely frequently, she let me listen to my iPod. We weren't allowed to listen to music during regular school, let alone detention. She was a fucking boss.
my favorite school personality wasn't a teacher at all, but the head football coach. he was the "administrator" of in school suspension, which is where i stayed a lot. we were super cool until his son picked a fight with me in gym class and i fucked his eye up. it kinda sucked and was pretty awkward cuz they put me in i.s.s. afterward and he wouldn't even look at me even though we'd been joking the day before. he son was a cocksmoker, but i doubt he would've fucked with me if he'd known i was cool with his dad
My favorite teacher was a guy named Mr. Piestch. He was a history teacher that had this whole act of being like an overly nice and cheery formal Christian guy (kinda reminds me of Jack McBrayer) but he used to be into punk and hardcore and would talk to me about the Misfits and such
I walked in with a DRI shirt one time and as he was taking attendance he was like "DRI??? You're so old school!" )
Also one time we were talking and he asked if I had ever listened to *looks around and lowers voice* the Circle Jerks first album Group Sex
drinkwine732Posts: 20,418destroyer of motherfuckers
I didn't like most of my teachers at the time, but I've changed so much as a person since then that I only now realize how cool they are. Teachers, in general, are some of the best people on Earth, and I admire the hell out of them. Wish to hell I could have taken school more seriously back when I was younger. I probably overcompensate for that now, but still.
Yo one of the biggest dickheads I ever had as a teacher was when I was at high school. I went for like 6 months Freshman year before homeschooling. Don't even remember the faggot's name. But I came in tired as shit 'cause the night before I had gone to that Slayer/Megadeth/Testament show, and was wearing my Megadeth tour shirt. He said something and I was just straight up like "Huh??" And he, under his breath, said "Yea, keep on blazin'.". And I said "Excuse me?", and he's like "Come on, you come in here wit long hair, a Megadeth tour shirt (Walks around me to see the back wit all the dates on it.), which you went to...OH! Last night! Fantastic. And can barely comprehend a word I'm saying to you. You think I can't tell what you do after school?". Dude pissed me the fuck off. This was before I ever even took a single hit of weed.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
It's not fun anymore and the people who try to make it fun make it worse. Niggers.
that's all i got
I walked in with a DRI shirt one time and as he was taking attendance he was like "DRI??? You're so old school!"
Also one time we were talking and he asked if I had ever listened to *looks around and lowers voice* the Circle Jerks first album Group Sex