@Gnomez I looked into it in the past. You gotta have about a month of free time if you make it on the show. A month off of work wont happen for me, not now at least. The black guy, the FBI instructor, I actually shot against him in 00' and 2001. He was a pistol instructor on the Marine Corps Shooting Team. I was part of the west coast team, during the weeks leading up to the match the guys on the team would give us classes and pointers to be better shooters, but once the match started we had to compete against them. :-SS Talk about awsome fkn shooters!!
The day you need a gun and don't have one, may be your last.
Last night at our hotel we were indulging in free drinks again and they had this four piece band playing covers with a slightly Hawaiian theme to it. By the end of the night the entire crowd was up dancing together. Old Japanese ladies (so formal) and Aussies, yanks etc. It was such a laugh and loads of fun. Alcohol sure loosens you up and gets you chatting with people you wouldn't normally approach/mingle with
A month off of work wont happen for me, not now at least.
The black guy, the FBI instructor, I actually shot against him in 00' and 2001. He was a pistol instructor on the Marine Corps Shooting Team. I was part of the west coast team, during the weeks leading up to the match the guys on the team would give us classes and pointers to be better shooters, but once the match started we had to compete against them. :-SS
Talk about awsome fkn shooters!!
Awesome shooters and firearms.
We don't get that show at home
eriklilqueerbaits: so, wut kind of foodz do you eat?
bitchz: I like Pizzaz and I love bacon
erikhomobaitz: get the fukk outta here fat bitchz
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
Who da fuck we kidding. Helen Keller would turn him down