I didn't like most of my teachers at the time, but I've changed so much as a person since then that I only now realize how cool they are. Teachers, in general, are some of the best people on Earth, and I admire the hell out of them. Wish to hell I could have taken school more seriously back when I was younger. I probably overcompensate for that now, but still.
Explain to me how this isn't exactly the same about generalizing about literally anything else.. There are dick teachers and awesome teachers just like every other profession...
Really, it's not that different than generalizing about anything else. I just admire the fact that teachers who, as a profession, raise the next generation. I sure as shit couldn't do that for my whole life. Also, as I get older, I realize that the dick teachers aren't as bad as I thought, it's just that my perspective made me see them that way. They wanted me to learn, but I didn't want to learn. If you put one average person from every profession in the world in a room, I'd take the teacher over all of them.
>Loves European football more than American football
I like it over pretty much most sports except college football/lacrosse
Okay, maybe not the stripper.
But das not the point