my gym has rubber plates so you can drop whatever the hell you want
Yea, our dumbbells are rubber, and our plates are rubber coated, and then our floor is like a rubbery bouncy material. But that's only in the weight room, so they purposely designed it for weights to be dropped.
And dropping weights is a part of heavy lifting anyway. Why the fuck you think there's catchers on a squat rack? So that if you get stuck at the bottom of a squat and can't get the weight back up, you just let that shit roll off your back and fall. It's loud as fuck, but I'd rather do that than tear my knee tryna get the weight back up when I can't, just to be "considerate". It's a fucking gym.
I've never had to drop the bar in a squat btw, but this dude dropped 315 on the catchers one time, loudest shit I ever heard in the gym, way louder than when it hits the floor.
False accusations. Right. So everyone all over the Internet is lying. These commercials have all been hallucinations. So have all the YouTube videos of the lunk alarm going off. 8-|
Suck my fucking dick and wash the load down wit bleach.
Did I mention that Planet Fitness gives out pizza and bagels?
Yea, a fucking GYM doing this. Exactly why they're the WOAT.
Everything about the Planet Fitness franchise is an absolute fucking joke. Their commercials make me laugh, whoever does them has to have Down's Syndrome. They preach about being a "Judgement Free Zone", when all they do is shit on real lifters/"meatheads". The commercial even shows a swole flexed arm being crossed out as "JUDGEMENT FREE ZONE" flashes on the screen. What a fucking joke. A gym for DYEL phaggots. I'd rather do ghetto park workouts than ever step foot in that sorry ass excuse of a "gym".
Dude. Again. People have different workout goals than you. Some people just want to stay active and be a little healthier. Stop being such a cunt about everyone else's ability to enjoy something you enjoy too and just find common ground.
No. Planet Fitness is a faggot gym for faggots.
Shitty business practices are shitty regardless of your goals.
Sorry. What? Shitty business practices? By doing what? Alienating only a small amount of heavy lifters in order to try and get the majority of the market is a shitty business practice?
It's doing what 24 was trying to do, but succeeding more with a different market. A 24 hour gym that instead of trying to appeal to the few frequent customers, try to appeal to the many infrequent customers. But the thing they have in common is that they all pay, regardless of how much they come. It's anything but bad business practice. Which would you rather be as a business, one that appeals to 5% of people or one that appeals to 50% of the people at the cost of alienating 5%?
I've never had to drop the bar in a squat btw, but this dude dropped 315 on the catchers one time, loudest shit I ever heard in the gym, way louder than when it hits the floor.
Suck my fucking dick and wash the load down wit bleach.
Flag for a fag. 8->
It's doing what 24 was trying to do, but succeeding more with a different market. A 24 hour gym that instead of trying to appeal to the few frequent customers, try to appeal to the many infrequent customers. But the thing they have in common is that they all pay, regardless of how much they come. It's anything but bad business practice. Which would you rather be as a business, one that appeals to 5% of people or one that appeals to 50% of the people at the cost of alienating 5%?