Hungry but I don't feel like cooking or walking to the dining hall so I gave my roommate my swipe and told her to bring us back food. This might be a weekly ritual now. B-)
It's come to a point where I don't even want to listen to Rings of Saturn anymore. They've been cool with me when I've met them the couple times I have, but they seem to be becoming more of teen-appealing tryhard douchebags. They're sort of losing my favor.
LOL I've always laughed at New Balance ever since 6th grade. Our teacher had these old ass beat up New Balances, and my black friend Keshawn was like "He got on some New Balance.......BUT AIN'T NONE NEW ABOUT 'EM!". )
LOL I've always laughed at New Balance ever since 6th grade. Our teacher had these old ass beat up New Balances, and my black friend Keshawn was like "He got on some New Balance.......BUT AIN'T NONE NEW ABOUT 'EM!".