Overly friendly or chatty cashiers can all die in a fire. Fuck off, that's how my day is. You don't give a fuck, so save me the bullshit. No, I dont want your special. I don't want to sign up for a rewards card, savings club, discount plan. Your extended warranties can eat a dick, and fuck you if you think I'm filling out a customer satisfaction survey. Eat shit, there is your fucking survey. You don't need my fucking email, address, phone number, or zip code. Fuck off, shut the fuck up and ring up my shit. Kthnksbi.
Jobe mad.
I'm not mad, just impatient as fuck. I'm not rude to the cashiers about it though. I usually try to by nice to anyone working a service job like that because I realize a lot of people are rude to them, and they are just doing their job. At the store today the cashier was going through the whole routine with the old person in front of me. The old lady is confused by everything, so she goes through it again. Rewards card? Yes. Extended warranty for you today? No warranty thanks. "Okay, your total comes too..." "But I have a coupon" Me My brain
no one has pet insurance? i just took a policy out for my dog
My neighbors dog just got hit by a car and killed a few days ago. The cops showed up at our house asking about the dog, so my wife had to go sit with the teen neighbor bawling till more of his family showed up. She tried to comfort him but pretty much ended up sitting and crying with him. I had just talked to her that morning about getting a dog for the kids too. That went right out the window now.
Indeed. About the only consolation is the it was an extremely fat, old dog (he had a good life) and he died quick without suffering. But the kid was the only one home, the one who let him out, and had to go pick his dead dog up off the road.
There is also little to no traffic where it happened, because the road is closed and blocked off for construction right at that intersection, so stupid fucking idiots in their cars who don't watch where they are going and kill fat old dogs really grind my gears.
I never seen Wawa closed except after 6pm on Xmas, that's it. Nigga, what if I wanted to walk during the hurricane to Wawa and get a hoagie? fukkin Nazi's...
Rewards card?
Extended warranty for you today?
No warranty thanks.
"Okay, your total comes too..."
"But I have a coupon"
My brain
i just took a policy out for my dog
There is also little to no traffic where it happened, because the road is closed and blocked off for construction right at that intersection, so stupid fucking idiots in their cars who don't watch where they are going and kill fat old dogs really grind my gears.
He backed up 3 times.