My dog who is like senile and deaf whining and barking at me when I'm the only one home to deal with it. I do every fucking thing to take care of her and she still whines. Yesterday I took her outside 7 fucking times since I got home at 2:50
Some of these people (who are against abortion, and seem to be against birth control as well) are claiming that birth control causes breast cancer. Fucking retards. So many birth controls, like the one I'm fucking on, actually help prevent it.
And no, Planned Parenthood's amount of abortion procedures (which isn't even partial birth abortions) amount to 3%. Then these idiots go on to say "OH WOW "ONLY 3 PERCENT" YOU'RE A HORRIBLE PERSON, YOU BABY KILLER!"
Fuck these people. God shit like this pisses me off. I hate ignorance.
I hate people who can't just listen to reason and feel the need to shove their conservative ideals down everyone's throat.
Seriously. Though I am proud of myself for posting all the benefits of my birth control to the guy who posted that article on FB in the first place. 8)
just found out that the Kittie show i was gonna go to tomorrow was cancelled cause of this apparent hurricane that isn't doing shit. i've been in a lot worse thunderstorms then what is happening with the hurricane. unFUCKINGbelievable
"That's another thing I love about metal, it's so fuckin' huge yet certain people don't even know it exists." - Rob Zombie
just found out that the Kittie show i was gonna go to tomorrow was cancelled cause of this apparent hurricane that isn't doing shit. i've been in a lot worse thunderstorms then what is happening with the hurricane. unFUCKINGbelievable
just found out that the Kittie show i was gonna go to tomorrow was cancelled cause of this apparent hurricane that isn't doing shit. i've been in a lot worse thunderstorms then what is happening with the hurricane. unFUCKINGbelievable
That sucks. You getting a refund?
idk, the venue's website doesn't say and i didnt get an email. it just pisses me off that their are so many pussies out there. who the hell thinks NEW JERSEY is gonna get wrecked from a hurricane? its raining kinda hard right now but by no means is it terrible. and theres a little wind, its no big deal.
"That's another thing I love about metal, it's so fuckin' huge yet certain people don't even know it exists." - Rob Zombie
just found out that the Kittie show i was gonna go to tomorrow was cancelled cause of this apparent hurricane that isn't doing shit. i've been in a lot worse thunderstorms then what is happening with the hurricane. unFUCKINGbelievable
Some of these people (who are against abortion, and seem to be against birth control as well) are claiming that birth control causes breast cancer. Fucking retards. So many birth controls, like the one I'm fucking on, actually help prevent it.
And no, Planned Parenthood's amount of abortion procedures (which isn't even partial birth abortions) amount to 3%. Then these idiots go on to say "OH WOW "ONLY 3 PERCENT" YOU'RE A HORRIBLE PERSON, YOU BABY KILLER!"
Fuck these people. God shit like this pisses me off. I hate ignorance.