WakeOfAshesPosts: 21,665destroyer of motherfuckers
This guy is using lingo that I have no clue what it means. I'm close to blocking this guy. I've already blocked 3.
I love Lingo the game show. Mostly because of Shandi Finnessey who seems like a really awesome chick. Chuck Woolery was also awesome sometimes.... like once this dude mentions he is having a baby and chuck goes off
"OMG... DUDE. You have to deliver it yourself. when you grab that baby out of the vagina and you are holding the placenta... there is nothing like it. You havent lived until you have reached up into a vagina and pulled out a child. Given life. oh man, im excited for you... dont let so asshole doctor rob you of the miracle of life."
WakeOfAshesPosts: 21,665destroyer of motherfuckers
i agree with catz here, its much easier for a woman to get laid then it is a guy.
Not always, which is why I disagree
Yes Always. but you have to talk apples to apples here.... It would be stupid to say it is much easier for Brad Pitt to get laid then some 350 lb woman. Duh. But take two 350 pound people of similar attractiveness of the opposite sex- Go to any random bar and announce on the loud speaker "anyone want to have sex with either of these two? put your name and number in this anonymous box saying who you want to fuck. John or Jane?". The girl will have significantly more takers then the guy. The guy might get one or two sympathy fucks. The girl will have dozens of desperate fucks.
The reason this is true is because in general, guys want to fuck more then girls.
WakeOfAshesPosts: 21,665destroyer of motherfuckers
here's a great example: when i was 17 there was this girl that wanted me so bad and i thought she was kinda cute but i didnt wanna date her, i just wanted to bang her. and i know she wanted me cause she had one of our mutual friends tell me and the fact that she was always hitting on me lol. anyway, i hung out with her for about a month trying to figure out how to tell her i just wanted to fuck her and didnt want a relationship in nice way but i just couldn't say/do that to someone so i ended up not saying anything and lost touch with her. had she told me that she would have sex with me no strings attached my pants woulda been off that minute lol.
You're too nice of a guy. most guys fuck first, and ask questions later. a girl can't take your words of "omg, I love you. I want to be with you forever" to be true in the middle of fucking.
WakeOfAshesPosts: 21,665destroyer of motherfuckers
edited August 2011
See, it's easy for women to turn down sex. lt ain't shit for y'all to turn down sex. Y'all like, ''Why can't you turn it down? l do it all the time." ''Why can't you say no? l say no.'' See, it's easy for y'all. You know why? 'Cause every woman in here, ever since you were 13 every guy you met has been trying to fuck you.
That's right. Women are offered dick every day. Every woman in here... gets offered dick at least three times a week. Three times a day, shit! That's right, every time a man's being nice to you... all he's doing is offering dick. That's all it is.
''Can l get that for you? How about some dick?''
''Could l help you with that? Could l help you to some dick?
''Do you need some dick?''
Nobody offers us shit. We got to fend for ourselves. We can't believe it when we get an offer. We're like, ''Damn, this is my lucky day.''
"OMG... DUDE. You have to deliver it yourself. when you grab that baby out of the vagina and you are holding the placenta... there is nothing like it. You havent lived until you have reached up into a vagina and pulled out a child. Given life. oh man, im excited for you... dont let so asshole doctor rob you of the miracle of life."
funny shit.
The reason this is true is because in general, guys want to fuck more then girls.
That's right. Women are offered dick every day. Every woman in here... gets offered dick at least three times a week. Three times a day, shit! That's right, every time a man's being nice to you... all he's doing is offering dick. That's all it is.
''Can l get that for you?
How about some dick?''
''Could l help you with that?
Could l help you to some dick?
''Do you need some dick?''
Nobody offers us shit. We got to fend for ourselves. We can't believe it when we get an offer. We're like, ''Damn, this is my lucky day.''
And what really grinds my gears is not having a fucking car to gtfo. I can't fucking wait any longer because all this is is torture on myself
This is a fine mess.
The last few days were perfect....guess it was the calm before the storm.
you know you want to