Bleh. Too many shows in that three-week span that I want to go to. That's why I held off on buying them, because I knew I would have to cut some shows.
Don't buy the new Pepsi can coming out with the Empire State building and The Pledge of Allegiance on them. Pepsi left out two little words on the pledge, "under God". Pepsi said they didn't want to offend anyone. So if we don't buy them they won't be offended when they don't get our money that has the words " In God We Trust" on it. How fast can you repost this?
Bleh. Too many shows in that three-week span that I want to go to. That's why I held off on buying them, because I knew I would have to cut some shows.
Don't buy the new Pepsi can coming out with the Empire State building and The Pledge of Allegiance on them. Pepsi left out two little words on the pledge, "under God". Pepsi said they didn't want to offend anyone. So if we don't buy them they won't be offended when they don't get our money that has the words " In God We Trust" on it. How fast can you repost this?
Who the fuck cares?
Seriously, people shouldn't care that Pepsi wants to not offend people, and Pepsi shouldn't care about offending people.
Bleh. Too many shows in that three-week span that I want to go to. That's why I held off on buying them, because I knew I would have to cut some shows.
oh? and what shitty shows would those be?
See the Upcoming Shows thread or check my
Don't buy the new Pepsi can coming out with the Empire State building and The Pledge of Allegiance on them. Pepsi left out two little words on the pledge, "under God". Pepsi said they didn't want to offend anyone. So if we don't buy them they won't be offended when they don't get our money that has the words " In God We Trust" on it. How fast can you repost this?
Who the fuck cares?
Well, the person who posted that certainly has a lot of confidence in their faith, despite the fact they're offended by a beverage company leaving that out.
way to fail bitch.
Just buy it, it's worth it
Don't buy the new Pepsi can coming out with the Empire State building and The Pledge of Allegiance on them. Pepsi left out two little words on the pledge, "under God". Pepsi said they didn't want to offend anyone. So if we don't buy them they won't be offended when they don't get our money that has the words " In God We Trust" on it. How fast can you repost this?
Who the fuck cares?