My tv not turning on. It only turns on when it wants to. For the last couple of weeks it's been doing this and it's just been taking longer to turn it on every day
People going outside to smoke, standing just outside the door so the smoke comes in anyway, then coming back inside smelling like the inside of a smokestack. UGH.
Yeah that annoys me as well. The only type of smoke I like the smell of is whatever that brown cigarette you smoke through a small plastic mouthpiece....anyone know what that cigarette is?
People going outside to smoke, standing just outside the door so the smoke comes in anyway, then coming back inside smelling like the inside of a smokestack. UGH.
I deal with this at work they are too stupid to realize it is coming indoors and is attached to them. I want them dead
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
People going outside to smoke, standing just outside the door so the smoke comes in anyway, then coming back inside smelling like the inside of a smokestack. UGH.
I deal with this at work they are too stupid to realize it is coming indoors and is attached to them. I want them dead
go for a walk & get some sun.... sounds like you could use some vitamin D. There's a reason why depression is ramped in Washington State and why we Californians are so awesomesauce!
wouldnt you rather hire people with gaming knowledge?