Leah it was so bad when I saw them I would have bad feelings going into it. I still am in shock that a band could be as bad as they were that day. It is something I never want to go through again.
If they play a big festival that's when they will get their shot but I'm not going to a headlining show
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
Leah it was so bad when I saw them I would have bad feelings going into it. I still am in shock that a band could be as bad as they were that day. It is something I never want to go through again.
If they play a big festival that's when they will get their shot but I'm not going to a headlining show
You shouldn't let one time screw it up. I seen em in 2006? It was no treat but I knew that Chino was overweight and on drugs so I wasn't expecting anything great
Don't buy the new Pepsi can coming out with the Empire State building and The Pledge of Allegiance on them. Pepsi left out two little words on the pledge, "under God". Pepsi said they didn't want to offend anyone. So if we don't buy them they won't be offended when they don't get our money that has the words " In God We Trust" on it. How fast can you repost this?
Who the fuck cares?
Hell if this is true I'd be glad to hear that Pepsi is doing that. But yeah people like that are incredibly annoying, damn jesus freaks.
Edit: Wow okay I was thinking I was on the page prior to this one. Late comment!!
Chino ruining it by being on drugs makes me less likely to go see them because that tells me he doesn't give a fuck about what kind of show he puts on for the fans
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
If they play a big festival that's when they will get their shot but I'm not going to a headlining show
Why would he go to deftones when he can go see a band that actually has talent and you can actually hear the vocals
Edit: Wow okay I was thinking I was on the page prior to this one. Late comment!!