Man owning a house can be a real pain in the ass sometimes.
Snaked my kitchen drain because it was bubbling. Well, I had forgotten that the previous owners did a shit patch job on the pipe, and it basically snaked all the way to my main line, and where it connects was corroded.
So bad that the pipe just snapped off.
Cool no big deal. I'll just replace everything. Cutting and running new pvc is easy. Just time consuming and I've found with plumbing it's a minimum of 3 trips to the store because not everything goes back the same way as you took it apart.
Fixed all that.
Hook it back up and start doing dishes and what goes wrong?
The fucking handle to my sink is leaking. All wet under the sink. Had to remove all the pipes and reverse osmosis. Fucking nasty as fuck in there lol.
So now I'm spending my 4th night in a row on a dumb ass project.
When my son was small (2-3) he got into a box of safety pins and dumped them out into a sink. When I went to remove the plumbing under the sink, the pipe snapped from the wall. My dad came over and we had to cut a section out of the sheet rock and get into the wall to see why that happened and how to fix it.
Turned out that one of the previous owners had removed the original kitchen sink and moved it to the end of the kitchen to have it back to back with the bathroom I was working in. When they did that, instead of having its own dedicated pipe, they cut into the line that went to the bathroom. When they patched it up, they didn’t seal it and had wrapped it in fucking aluminum foil. It was amazing it had taken as long as it had to break.
It sucked extra because when we got into the wall, there had been a slow leak coming from that pipe with a bunch of black mold. It was a bitch to clean out. There was also a hole they had cut around the original pipe that made for easy access for rats and a bunch of fucking rat shit back there.
Luckily jobs are a dime a dozen. She will have a new one asap.
Imagine thinking this in 2025
As a female, Rex is right. Unless she was in some high prestige college level position, shit like serving and other standard shit like that is infinitely easier for a female to land without doing much.
She was making more money than I was as a marketing manager. Obviously I want her to get whatever job she can, but its not the same type of wage as serving
My girlfriend has been talking to a bunch of people, and everyone else at her work is shocked, and several people have come forward saying they were fired the same way
We got the suburban back from getting the transmission repaired and there we had to bring it back for an exhaust leak. (they didn’t get one of the exhaust pipes gaskets lined up quite right and it was pouring into the cabin of the vehicle) I got 5 minutes down the road and everything on the dash dies and a ton of service lights go off. Pull back up to the shop and the truck won’t even shut off properly. Then it did a weird delayed start where pushing the button did nothing for 15 seconds then it fired up on its own. Then it wouldn’t start at all. Pretty sure I’ve got some bad ground wires. I hope it’s just the ground wires.
Snaked my kitchen drain because it was bubbling. Well, I had forgotten that the previous owners did a shit patch job on the pipe, and it basically snaked all the way to my main line, and where it connects was corroded.
So bad that the pipe just snapped off.
Cool no big deal. I'll just replace everything. Cutting and running new pvc is easy. Just time consuming and I've found with plumbing it's a minimum of 3 trips to the store because not everything goes back the same way as you took it apart.
Fixed all that.
Hook it back up and start doing dishes and what goes wrong?
The fucking handle to my sink is leaking. All wet under the sink. Had to remove all the pipes and reverse osmosis. Fucking nasty as fuck in there lol.
So now I'm spending my 4th night in a row on a dumb ass project.
God damn this is gay.
Turned out that one of the previous owners had removed the original kitchen sink and moved it to the end of the kitchen to have it back to back with the bathroom I was working in. When they did that, instead of having its own dedicated pipe, they cut into the line that went to the bathroom. When they patched it up, they didn’t seal it and had wrapped it in fucking aluminum foil. It was amazing it had taken as long as it had to break.
Fuck everything
Luckily jobs are a dime a dozen. She will have a new one asap.
Sink still broke so we're looking at food options for dinner and taco bell is off their rocker charging 2.79 for a soft taco supreme wtf thanks biden