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  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,849 spicy boy
    Man owning a house can be a real pain in the ass sometimes. 

    Snaked my kitchen drain because it was bubbling. Well, I had forgotten that the previous owners did a shit patch job on the pipe, and it basically snaked all the way to my main line, and where it connects was corroded. 

    So bad that the pipe just snapped off. 

    Cool no big deal. I'll just replace everything. Cutting and running new pvc is easy. Just time consuming and I've found with plumbing it's a minimum of 3 trips to the store because not everything goes back the same way as you took it apart. 

    Fixed all that. 

    Hook it back up and start doing dishes and what goes wrong? 

    The fucking handle to my sink is leaking. All wet under the sink. Had to remove all the pipes and reverse osmosis. Fucking nasty as fuck in there lol. 

    So now I'm spending my 4th night in a row on a dumb ass project. 

    God damn this is gay. 
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