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  • MetalCoresadesMetalCoresades Posts: 57,705 spicy boy
    I have to get a colonoscopy on friday, and Im starting to get really nervous about it. 

    The liquid shitting the night before sounds awful, and I dont do well with needles so the thought of getting an IV put in makes me very stressed out
    Do You Like Hurting Other People?
  • GnomezGnomez Posts: 17,550 master of ceremonies
    Mate you will be fine.
    I spent last week in hospital
    Had gallbladder surgery and had general anaesthetic and gallbladder removed 
    I have NEVER had a lure in my arm or been on an IV drip and never had surgery and never been in hospital or under the knife.
    They were taking bloods from me every day and I hardly felt a thing.
    Putting the IV in I was worried the lure might hurt but it was painless...seriously. 
    Just focus on the roof or wall and chat to them while they are working and you will be ok.
    Hope it all goes to plan and its a straight forward check up 

  • GnomezGnomez Posts: 17,550 master of ceremonies
    ^ they are all found in your top drawer and used as your sex and submission toys ?
  • Jobe_Wan_KenobiJobe_Wan_Kenobi Posts: 19,526 moneytalker
    3 out of 4 are. 
    Pass the god damn butter.
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,592 spicy boy
    Yeah just dont look when they poke and you will hardly even feel it. 
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 4,715 jayfacer
    edited June 2022
    Uber prices are fucking disgusting now. I went to Summer Smash on Saturday and I took the train downtown, it’s usually what I always do for any downtown shows and then I’ll either walk, bus, or Uber to the venue from Union Station depending on location, they’re usually all within a 5 mile radius of Union Station. From Union to any given venue, it’s usually $7-15 one way, depending on how busy they are. On Saturday it was 40 FUCKING DOLLARS for a 4 mile ride from the venue back to Union. For comparison, $40-$50 is usually what I pay to go all the way from Chicago to home, which is about a 45-60 minute ride, depending on traffic. I knew prices would go up because of gas and this has been the first time I used Uber since gas spiked up, but Goddamn they are absolutely raping mfs and they know it. There is absolutely no reason it should be $10 per mile, that is fucking disgusting.
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,592 spicy boy
    Try paying $5 a gallon bro lol

    i drive a prius and spend about 100 on gas a week . I dont even want to know what jobes bill os with his drive to work. 
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,592 spicy boy
    not hating though it sucks balls all around. thanks biden
  • NOCAPNOCAP Posts: 37,281 mod
  • Dime2Dime2 Posts: 2,788 jayfacer
    Lmfao I stopped to get gas yesterday morning before work and heard some lady crying to some poor bastard on the phone about it. People leave em all over at the gas stations near my area (and by people I mean I have about 100 of em at all times and make sure to hit 2-3 different gas stations a week for better coverage). All I heard was "If I find one more sticker that says 'I did that.' He didn't fucking do it goddammit!" 
  • Dime2Dime2 Posts: 2,788 jayfacer
    I'm also hoping she was already on the phone before I heard her because if not she just woke her husband up at 5:30am to cry about a sticker 
  • Dime2Dime2 Posts: 2,788 jayfacer
    Nvm if it's triggering her that hard it's less likely her husband and more likely her gay best friend 
  • Jobe_Wan_KenobiJobe_Wan_Kenobi Posts: 19,526 moneytalker
    Try paying $5 a gallon bro lol

    i drive a prius and spend about 100 on gas a week . I dont even want to know what jobes bill os with his drive to work. 

    More than a monthly payment on a Model 3 or a Ford Lightning would be. 
    Pass the god damn butter.
  • NOCAPNOCAP Posts: 37,281 mod
    Y’all not voting for Hilary in 2016 bout to have serious consequences 

    The Supreme Court can fucking kill themselves 
  • ThatGuyArloThatGuyArlo Posts: 1,430 jayfacer
    We need to hang politicians in public. I seriously don't know what else to do. 
  • GnomezGnomez Posts: 17,550 master of ceremonies
    You yanks are weird...I cant understand your legal system and why the supreme court would make that decision 
  • EpisodeMnHEpisodeMnH Posts: 4,715 jayfacer
    Now we sit back and watch it snowball.
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