Tell her if that’s the rule for you that’s the rule for everyone else to. You can always find another job
Me and my one other coworker are now considered weekend shift exclusively.
Things I would want to know... According to whom exactly? Under whose authority? Since when, and fuck off I didn't agree to this*
Basically find out if she has actual authority to implement those changes or if she is making it up as she along just to make her day easier or as unauthorized payback for petty shit.
*Plz note when using Jobe tactics that my boss doesn't know how to do my job, I suggest to him how to do his job half the time to keep management happy, and that everyone else who did know the system I run is long gone. The people remains know how to do the routine things things but not why they are done that way or what to do if things go bad. Replacing me would cost the company hundreds of thousands of dollars the first time something in the system went wrong.
Went to hang with a friend after work and didn't want to wear my guard shirt while going out so I grabbed a random one out of my trunk that had to have been in there for a few months. Promptly had one of the worst allergy attacks of my life
Things I would want to know... According to whom exactly? Under whose authority? Since when, and fuck off I didn't agree to this*
Basically find out if she has actual authority to implement those changes or if she is making it up as she along just to make her day easier or as unauthorized payback for petty shit.
*Plz note when using Jobe tactics that my boss doesn't know how to do my job, I suggest to him how to do his job half the time to keep management happy, and that everyone else who did know the system I run is long gone. The people remains know how to do the routine things things but not why they are done that way or what to do if things go bad. Replacing me would cost the company hundreds of thousands of dollars the first time something in the system went wrong.
Enjoy your weekends at work
Fuck angry truck drivers who barely speqk english
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
@tim what did you tru-deau?