whenever I eat/drink junk I get really bad shits. Not necessarily IBS
I didnt really eat junk last night though. Barely ate at all. Just some cashew chicken and an egg.
I get bad stomach pain frequently. Usually relieved by massive shits (sometimes diarrhea). Its frequent enough where I notice it, and my parents notice it. The stomach pain is severe enough to wake me up when I'm sleeping sometimes.
I thought it was just lactose intolerance. Because I notice its worse when I eat a lot of cheese or drink a lot of milk. So I've cut back on my lactose, I pretty much only drink almond milk now. And its been better. Still have the stomach pain and shits sometimes, but its not as frequent since I cut out dairy.
But today its unbearable. The pain still hasn't subsided, and I've had to run to the bathroom about twice and hour to take 20 minute long shits since I woke up today. And its just water. Literally clear water. Not even colored.
It might not be IBS, but I still feel like I should go to a doctor.
You need to drink some pedialyte. It may be diverticulitis although when i had it i would only feel like i would need to shit. When i tried i got nothing. until they gave me an iv and it was like the Nile river coming out my butt hole.
whenever I eat/drink junk I get really bad shits. Not necessarily IBS
I didnt really eat junk last night though. Barely ate at all. Just some cashew chicken and an egg.
I get bad stomach pain frequently. Usually relieved by massive shits (sometimes diarrhea). Its frequent enough where I notice it, and my parents notice it. The stomach pain is severe enough to wake me up when I'm sleeping sometimes.
I thought it was just lactose intolerance. Because I notice its worse when I eat a lot of cheese or drink a lot of milk. So I've cut back on my lactose, I pretty much only drink almond milk now. And its been better. Still have the stomach pain and shits sometimes, but its not as frequent since I cut out dairy.
But today its unbearable. The pain still hasn't subsided, and I've had to run to the bathroom about twice and hour to take 20 minute long shits since I woke up today. And its just water. Literally clear water. Not even colored.
It might not be IBS, but I still feel like I should go to a doctor.
Yea I think its stomach flu. Still going to a doc today. Had to request off of work because I cant get up to walk to the bathroom without getting light headed.
I get bad stomach pain frequently. Usually relieved by massive shits (sometimes diarrhea). Its frequent enough where I notice it, and my parents notice it. The stomach pain is severe enough to wake me up when I'm sleeping sometimes.
I thought it was just lactose intolerance. Because I notice its worse when I eat a lot of cheese or drink a lot of milk. So I've cut back on my lactose, I pretty much only drink almond milk now. And its been better. Still have the stomach pain and shits sometimes, but its not as frequent since I cut out dairy.
But today its unbearable. The pain still hasn't subsided, and I've had to run to the bathroom about twice and hour to take 20 minute long shits since I woke up today. And its just water. Literally clear water. Not even colored.
It might not be IBS, but I still feel like I should go to a doctor.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
A word of advice
Don't fart
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
Plus I dont even know if I could drive right now.
People have cancer and low immune systems at hospitals. I dont want to make them worse. Im not dying.