They can file charges on him for theft of services if he does that though. They can also file what's called a Mechanic's Lien on it and take the truck away from him
Smh. Gotta get it in writing. The stakes are too high when you're dealing with money like that. Tbh, the mechanic prolly did it on purpose just so he could jack the price up. Get your friend to email the manager or owner of the shop and see if he can get the guy to admit in writing what the original quote was.
Well GNR played in Auckland last night and I didn't go and now I'm just really bummed out coz it seems like it was a brilliant show. Coulda bought tickets but the Mrs wanted to go away camping for the long weekend instead so I am currently roughing it in a tent and wishing I had gone to see GNR instead Sometimes we gotta make sacrifices and spend time with the family instead of blowing huge $$$ on concerts Sigh
Still dont know why a car company wants to promote extreme metal though
That being said, they are always off on their estimate.
Did he get a quote in writing and keep all receipts?
Coulda bought tickets but the Mrs wanted to go away camping for the long weekend instead so I am currently roughing it in a tent and wishing I had gone to see GNR instead
Sometimes we gotta make sacrifices and spend time with the family instead of blowing huge $$$ on concerts
fukk camping btw
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)