Kanye need to get back into rehab after that shit, smh
I'm sick of hearing about Kanye all the damn time now. he's shoved down my throat the same why the Kardashians are now. I hate it. I hate these giant celebrity families. also, I hate Trump and all these fuckwits he's appointing to his cabinet. fuck everything
Chipped them both like in half in a lazy river when I was like 8. Then I was wasted and stole that keg tap and dipped and tripped and face planted into the sidewalk.
I rode my big wheel down some stairs when I was 2 and knocked my front teeth into my nose. It took til I was almost 10 for the permanents to grow in. They thought for a while that it would never happen
It wasn't shut down permanently. It's been back up for at least a month now. It was down for a while because the guy who runs it got caught up with IRL shit and just shut er down without any notice
I'm sick of hearing about Kanye all the damn time now. he's shoved down my throat the same why the Kardashians are now. I hate it. I hate these giant celebrity families. also, I hate Trump and all these fuckwits he's appointing to his cabinet. fuck everything
Though my teeth have been hurting lately. Like a mix of sinus pain and teeth movement pain. So I'm gonna go to a dentist.
Luckily people only notice when i point it out to them its so small
^ Iowa