Basically if you were black, asian, jewish, too old, or too young i'd expect a bad tip.
I'm not terribly qualified on the tipping habits of Asians since there's not many around here, but old people usually tip well here. Teenagers are pretty terrible. They don't tip well and are more prone to dine-and-dash. Jews = Yaomingface.jpg
So im at McDonalds. Homeless dude asks for $1 so he can buy a sandwich "ok sure". Gives a dollar.
"Do you have $4 for a value meal item?" "No I dont have that much cash on me"
Decide to do "the right thing", and offer to pay for the value meal item with my card. "I'll take two double fish sandwiches" Spent $12 on the dude. My meal cost $7.
I was too much of a pussy to tell him to fuck off.
If I was contemplating offing myself today but then hesitantly decided against it, I would have re thought my efforts and gone through with it after the Walking Dead finale.
They do that shit on purpose because they know you'll feel like a piece of shit if you say no in front of the cashier. Happened to my friends before at chipotle.
They do that shit on purpose because they know you'll feel like a piece of shit if you say no in front of the cashier. Happened to my friends before at chipotle.
Happened to me once. Then the same hobo wanted to take advantage of me and make a habit of it every time I saw that fucker anywhere. I straight up started ignoring him.
Nashville has a pretty big homeless problem. And I usually help them. They're usually just grateful to have some cash/food, and someone to talk with for a few minutes. This is the first time someone pulled this.
One set of homeless dudes asked for a couple of bucks and were like "completely honest, we want this money for drugs. So if you don't want to give us any, its cool" )
They then got really racist though, so it was awkward.
You can always tell who's legit and who isn't though. If someone accepts anything and is grateful I.e. food instead of cash, they are probably actually homeless. If someone is sticking to a "just money" attitude they're prob faking. I offered this homeless guy a muffin once and I swear on my life he declined and said "What the Fuck am I supposed to buy with a Goddamn muffin?"
I prefer to donate my time over my money, honestly. Because then I can see the direct impact of my charity. With money, I don't know who is benefiting.
The best tippers are 40-60 year old white couples
So im at McDonalds. Homeless dude asks for $1 so he can buy a sandwich
"ok sure". Gives a dollar.
"Do you have $4 for a value meal item?"
"No I dont have that much cash on me"
Decide to do "the right thing", and offer to pay for the value meal item with my card.
"I'll take two double fish sandwiches"
Spent $12 on the dude.
My meal cost $7.
I was too much of a pussy to tell him to fuck off.
I should have just said no. But I didn't.
One set of homeless dudes asked for a couple of bucks and were like "completely honest, we want this money for drugs. So if you don't want to give us any, its cool"
They then got really racist though, so it was awkward.
tldr get caught with drugs in az and lose your chancss to rent a home or work a worthwhile decent job evenwith a degree