My roommate just got back from work with like 4 random dudes and a random chick. They're loud as fuck. Its 3:30 am. I have class tomorrow. And I dont know them (which I really hate when she invites a ton of people over none of us know, from their converstations it sounds like they met at the bar). And they were just fucking banging on my door, because they're all drunk and were looking for a bathroom.
Dudes that stand in the pit area and bitch and moan about getting bumped into. This one guy was trying to play security. Every time we would start to mosh he would try to stand in the middle and extend his arms to block everyone lol get outta here baby bitch. He didn't last long though. Two songs in he pushes this poor kid who is trying to start another pit. Kid doesn't get the message and goes around again and dude just grabs him and chokes slams him onto the ground and is literally on top of him trying to choke him out. Kid couldn't have been older than 16 or 17 MAX! Other motherfucker was like 40. Me and my buddy and like 6 other guys pounced on his ass though \m/ security rushed over and we helped them throw his ass over the railing. Good riddance to bad trash. We were like a foot away from rail, what the fuck did you expect? Don't ruin someone elses' good time because you want to be a pansy.
Yeah. I was planning on playing Saturday. My boss texted me Friday night saying I had to go out to the bar with him though. We got wasted and were up at my house till like 6 am. basically fucked my whole weekend.
My roommate just got back from work with like 4 random dudes and a random chick. They're loud as fuck. Its 3:30 am. I have class tomorrow. And I dont know them (which I really hate when she invites a ton of people over none of us know, from their converstations it sounds like they met at the bar). And they were just fucking banging on my door, because they're all drunk and were looking for a bathroom.
I may have to be "that guy"
I finally fell back asleep around 4:30, and shortly after two of them noisely opened my door, talking loudly, turned on my light, and were like "oh, someone is in here"
If I was the serial killer you all think I am, they would have been my first victims.
A few weeks ago I heard a really weird noise coming from my wall at about 1am, so I went to check it out. It was from the other side, and I realized it sounded like whittling wood with a knife. So I text my next door neighbor Andrew, who was my roommate last spring, "are you woodcarving?". He passive aggressively responds "I have to listen to your girlfriend's obnoxious moans all day, yes I'm fucking woodcarving". I just knock out because it wasn't actually bothering me, and I decide to be less of a dick and I stop having loud sex late at night. When we do during the day I make sure to put on music.
Last night at about 12 (I'm in bed early because I have an appointment this morning), he slams the door and it wakes me up. I'm like okay, back to sleep. He does it 3 more times within the hour, and I mean SLAMS the door. I was asleep each time and it woke me up, and I'm a heavy sleeper. Eventually I fall back asleep. Come 2am, he starts having sex. It's ignorable at first, and then his bed starts hitting my wall. And this dude was laying some good pipe, it's vibrating my room. I yell "JESUS" and they stop for 30 minutes and start again, even louder, at which point I yell again and they stop.
if you haven't already set some ground rules and discuss your living habits. cuz even living with close friends can turn sour. My junior year I lived with a couple of friends who I considered to be some of my closest pals, but they sucked to live with and those friendships dissolved as a result.
I already have practically lived with the friend that I'm getting the apartment with. Since my uncle took my room after I moved to college, I sleep at his house on a futon when I'm not at school or camp since he lives down the street from me. As for the potential 3rd person, trying to find somebody rational and respectful.
"Son, I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed"
I may have to be "that guy"
fuck I hate drinking
If I was the serial killer you all think I am, they would have been my first victims.
Last night at about 12 (I'm in bed early because I have an appointment this morning), he slams the door and it wakes me up. I'm like okay, back to sleep. He does it 3 more times within the hour, and I mean SLAMS the door. I was asleep each time and it woke me up, and I'm a heavy sleeper. Eventually I fall back asleep. Come 2am, he starts having sex. It's ignorable at first, and then his bed starts hitting my wall. And this dude was laying some good pipe, it's vibrating my room. I yell "JESUS" and they stop for 30 minutes and start again, even louder, at which point I yell again and they stop.
Didn't sleep much last night