Mom wanted me to drive her to prayer. So I did. Hung back, observed and what not. That sheik (preacher) boiled my blood. I now remember why I stopped attending. Well amongst other things. But he said one thing specifically and I just wanted to punch him in the face. "If the dead could come back for just one day, do you know what they would wish for? What they would do? They would wish for a chance to donate money to our prayer center." like no they wouldn't you fucking asshole. I'm pretty sure they would try to right some wrongs, do something they didn't get to experience while alive or spend time with loved ones, not donate fucking money to you. Thats all this guy's sermon/speech was about. It all led back to money. Fucking irate beyond belief and even my mom, who is a pretty religious person, was like "Yeah he definitely had his head up his ass."
I used to be able to walk out of work whenever I finished everything I need to do but now they're telling me I have to stay until the shift is over. Fuckin lame as fuck. Whatever doe, its cool if they wanna pay me to just chill with my favrite dogs for the last 15-20 minutes or so.
A package I ordered is being sent by DHL and then turned over to USPS. It's been stuck on Hebron, KY saying "Package was tendered to USPS" on the DHL tracking and USPS basically says it's still in North Carolina. Google it and find a reddit thread with people that had the exact problem saying their package was sent DHL/USPS and mysteriously sat around in Hebron for a ridiculous amount of time before finally being delivered. Sweet.
I fucking hate recording sometimes. Wasted 5 hours of my life trying to record guitar tracks that turned out shitty because I decided to record them by part instead of all at once.
well. Thats not really that close to what i pay in Bills. Thats just what was due around this particular time. Thats the main reason i have a roomate doe...way cheaper.
I also would never Buy a car where i had to make payments. Id just spend like 2-5K on a car and be happy.
Id still have insurance but i get close to a 20% discount so it wouldn't be that bad. Plus i am paying for renters insurance and a Umbrella policy so that i can have a history with the insurance company. Will look better when i get a car.
Yeah, im not trying to talk shit lol. I don't have any kids and honestly my bills are pretty fairly cheap. My rent for 2 people is only 500 a month. We pay all our utilities but still they are pretty cheap for two dudes.
Yeah i really need to get started with a retirement. I just turned 28. Its make or break time for that.
I forsee the U.S. following Japan in the coming years, in our birthrate declining drastically. Japan isnt having kids because men have stopped caring about sex and relationships, and men and women care more about work than family.
Here in the U.S., it wont be because we'll stop fucking, but because millenials are all selfish anti-natalist hipsters. Myself included. But the family unit in the U.S. is unimportant to millenials.
>get paid this morning
>Immediately spend 300
I also would never Buy a car where i had to make payments. Id just spend like 2-5K on a car and be happy.
Id still have insurance but i get close to a 20% discount so it wouldn't be that bad. Plus i am paying for renters insurance and a Umbrella policy so that i can have a history with the insurance company. Will look better when i get a car.
The only place i would ever take a loan out from is my work, which they would do. Fuck the banks.
Yeah i really need to get started with a retirement. I just turned 28. Its make or break time for that.
Here in the U.S., it wont be because we'll stop fucking, but because millenials are all selfish anti-natalist hipsters. Myself included. But the family unit in the U.S. is unimportant to millenials.
The leas poverty there is and the more technology the further the birthdate declines.