I honestly think Swift is really horrible music though. She's just getting crammed down everyone's throat
You ever seen how they take the laugh track away from shows like '2 and a half men' and suddenly the show is blatantly just not funny at all. That's how I feel about her and certain other pop artists. Ashley Simpson was really bad like that. Her shit was so vapid and boring, but for a little while people ate it up because of the hype machine behind their family at the time. I can't wrap my head around Swift's popularity. She's not hot. Her music is boring. She's not much of a personality. They've tried to craft her into this female Sinatra with her little circle of friends. I don't think I could care less. It makes me sick every time my mom brings her up. At least whoever is Miley Cyrus' puppeteer knows how to buy good beats. She's annoying as fuck and realistically her face is the only thing on her body that's above a 4, but she sings over bangers and her artsy, provocative music videos are eye catching. With Swift, it's all laugh track. I'm convinced people only like her because they're told to like her. Without hype, there not much there IMO. Just a skinny bitch singing about her boring ex boyfriend drama over boring music
You under estimate the shitty taste of white girls
I don't really like Miley either because both have allowed their personas to over shadow their songs and both are annoying as fuck. I'm glad my formative years were spent with a culture of musicians that shunned the shiny Hollywood shit. It allows you to consider their music first. That's why Kanye sucks now. His first 2 albums were game changers. Now he's a walking tabloid. He's drinking his own look aide and his music suffered because of it.
do you think Nola means that "Taylor Swift (having sex) sucks"? he could mean that. He's kinda a hipster like that. Or maybe he means her music sucks. idk- Im just going to go with the first interpretation.
I don't really like Miley either because both have allowed their personas to over shadow their songs and both are annoying as fuck. I'm glad my formative years were spent with a culture of musicians that shunned the shiny Hollywood shit. It allows you to consider their music first. That's why Kanye sucks now. His first 2 albums were game changers. Now he's a walking tabloid. He's drinking his own look aide and his music suffered because of it.
Except MBDTF and Yeezus are masterpieces and his best records but okay.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)