Integrity is gay.. I wouldn't do it cuz crystal literally is the WOAT thing on like this planet fuck that shit youd be a fucking retard to try it for a bullshit opening prolly going nowhere band
ehh... one hit isnt going to kill you. I've never been interested because the high never appealed to me. Not because I was afraid of it.
WakeOfAshesPosts: 21,665destroyer of motherfuckers
So I was talking to one of my friends about high school reunions because my 20 is this year. And he asks why im not going, and I say "Basically because the place was a shithole, and everyone I went to school with are losers or psychopaths". And so he pry's about why it's a shithole and so I tell him the following story, to which is response was "bullshit. I don't believe you. That didnt happen". What I find odd about that reaction is this isnt even a story I typically tell because I didn't think there was anything special about it. Anyways... here it is
So I grew up in a very small town on the border between WA and ID. It is basically 5 miles of trailer park communities with a few houses scattered in between. The houses were a minor step up in quality from a trailer park home. my parents bought out out is 1980ish for 30k if that gives you an idea of the type of white trash this place is.
So when I was maybe 10-11 I was riding my bike with my brother and our friends to this place we called the dunes. I'm sure it doesnt exist now, but it was just this series of dirt mounds near this train yard, and train tracks. the mounds were maybe 1-2 football fields away, but the train tracks ran right by it. There was a dirt trail here that was wide enough for a small car, but def not something cars normally drove on. So this one day we are riding our bike here and we started noticing about every 5 feet was a trash bag in the ditch on the side of the trail opposite of the train tracks. There must have been 20-40 of them. This was unusual so we took notice. Each bag had a swarm of fly's flying overhead, enough where it causes you to take notice. So we stop and talk for a few minutes trying to get one of the other two to open the bag up to see what was inside. I finally said fuck it and decided to open one up.... It was a cat, or maybe 2 cats, that had been cut into baseball size chunks. I almost threw up. We got the fuck out of their fast. We obviously didn't open any others cause nasty. And we didnt report it to anyone cause idk... didn't think about it.
I don't quite get what's so unbelievable about that story. He wouldnt tell me.
So I was talking to one of my friends about high school reunions because my 20 is this year. And he asks why im not going, and I say "Basically because the place was a shithole, and everyone I went to school with are losers or psychopaths". And so he pry's about why it's a shithole and so I tell him the following story, to which is response was "bullshit. I don't believe you. That didnt happen". What I find odd about that reaction is this isnt even a story I typically tell because I didn't think there was anything special about it. Anyways... here it is
So I grew up in a very small town on the border between WA and ID. It is basically 5 miles of trailer park communities with a few houses scattered in between. The houses were a minor step up in quality from a trailer park home. my parents bought out out is 1980ish for 30k if that gives you an idea of the type of white trash this place is.
So when I was maybe 10-11 I was riding my bike with my brother and our friends to this place we called the dunes. I'm sure it doesnt exist now, but it was just this series of dirt mounds near this train yard, and train tracks. the mounds were maybe 1-2 football fields away, but the train tracks ran right by it. There was a dirt trail here that was wide enough for a small car, but def not something cars normally drove on. So this one day we are riding our bike here and we started noticing about every 5 feet was a trash bag in the ditch on the side of the trail opposite of the train tracks. There must have been 20-40 of them. This was unusual so we took notice. Each bag had a swarm of fly's flying overhead, enough where it causes you to take notice. So we stop and talk for a few minutes trying to get one of the other two to open the bag up to see what was inside. I finally said fuck it and decided to open one up.... It was a cat, or maybe 2 cats, that had been cut into baseball size chunks. I almost threw up. We got the fuck out of their fast. We obviously didn't open any others cause nasty. And we didnt report it to anyone cause idk... didn't think about it.
I don't quite get what's so unbelievable about that story. He wouldnt tell me.
maybe because every single one of your stories are over the top and unbelievable, so he's calling you out on your bullshit?
maybe because every single one of your stories are over the top and unbelievable, so he's calling you out on your bullshit?
I just think if he's going to pick a story to call me out on, pick one that's actually something that that I said I did, or something that happened to me. I fail to see why finding a bags containing mutilated cats is "over the top". I didn't see who did it. Wasn't anyone who chased me. I didn't do anything daring or crazy- I just untied a plastic bag. Besides I don't even think the story is all that crazy... Im sure anyone else who lives in similar areas of absolute poverty has many stories that make that one sound lame.
What I don't understand is what the fuck finding dead cats in garbage bags has to do with your 20 year reunion.
It was a long conversation. I was trying to explain to him how the HS I went to and the area I lived in was absolute poverty. I was telling him a lot of the really fucked up shit I saw or witnessed growing up in that area, and why I didnt have any desire to go back to that area. I thought there were other stories I told him that were more unbelievable, however the mutilated cats in a bag was the one he just couldnt believe was real.
I already have the song done. I need something that fits the tone of the song. Thats where Im getting the hangup. I have a lot of topic ideas but they dont vibe.
I already have the song done. I need something that fits the tone of the song. Thats where Im getting the hangup. I have a lot of topic ideas but they dont vibe.
For the last week or so I've had pretty much no appetite and my mood swings have either been mellowed out or to the extreme. I have no idea why this is but it's getting annoying
So I grew up in a very small town on the border between WA and ID. It is basically 5 miles of trailer park communities with a few houses scattered in between. The houses were a minor step up in quality from a trailer park home. my parents bought out out is 1980ish for 30k if that gives you an idea of the type of white trash this place is.
So when I was maybe 10-11 I was riding my bike with my brother and our friends to this place we called the dunes. I'm sure it doesnt exist now, but it was just this series of dirt mounds near this train yard, and train tracks. the mounds were maybe 1-2 football fields away, but the train tracks ran right by it. There was a dirt trail here that was wide enough for a small car, but def not something cars normally drove on. So this one day we are riding our bike here and we started noticing about every 5 feet was a trash bag in the ditch on the side of the trail opposite of the train tracks. There must have been 20-40 of them. This was unusual so we took notice. Each bag had a swarm of fly's flying overhead, enough where it causes you to take notice. So we stop and talk for a few minutes trying to get one of the other two to open the bag up to see what was inside. I finally said fuck it and decided to open one up.... It was a cat, or maybe 2 cats, that had been cut into baseball size chunks. I almost threw up. We got the fuck out of their fast. We obviously didn't open any others cause nasty. And we didnt report it to anyone cause idk... didn't think about it.
I don't quite get what's so unbelievable about that story. He wouldnt tell me.