Yeah I'm pretty sure we all know there are negative sides to sex. we just understand them and don't let the negative side effect us.
well shouldn't you focus on the negative? why are you so cavalier about ignoring it? Drug and alcohol addiction are spurned, but sex addiction is fine? Why is not ok to overdo it on the substance, but ok to overdo it on sex?
People can still be mindful of the negative but why would you want to focus on it? Most people find happiness through positive aspects of life.. Everything on life has positives and negatives.. The fact you only focus in the negative shows an underlying problem aka your dick don't work
Honestly the number one thing that fucks everything up IMO isn't sex, it's this bullshit idea that's put in girls head at a young age of this fucking " fairy tale" life.. Perfect husband, perfect wedding, perfect kids, perfect house.. They get so obsessed with this idea that they close doors on themselves and other people too quickly, thus fucking the poor helpless dude that didn't do anything wrong. Too many girls are too fucked in the head and it's hard to tell them apart lol
fuck my grandfather is dying... been in the hospital for two weeks now. constant surgeries. can't breathe without a machine. he was getting better momentarily, but now he's getting a lot worse again. He has like a 20% chance of survival
Been a year friday since my Gma passed away. She was basically a mother to me. I lived with Her most of my life. She had a similar fate. 33 nights she was in the hospital. She had a tracheotomy done for the last couple weeks but basically was in an out of consciousness the whole time. That's shits not easy man but don't lose hope. He could make it. It doesn't matter how much you try to prepare yourself for someone you love to die, you will never be prepared for it when it happens. Just try to stay positive for now.
I know the feeling mc, it's shitty. The most you can do is spend as muh time with him as possible and make his last conscious days in this earth surrounded by loved ones.
fuck my grandfather is dying... been in the hospital for two weeks now. constant surgeries. can't breathe without a machine. he was getting better momentarily, but now he's getting a lot worse again. He has like a 20% chance of survival
Sorry dude. I lost my grandpa this past Christmas. His health wasn't great but it happened so suddenly. I really feel for you. Hang in there. >:D<
>know how much sex is too much
What a mess.