MC. I'm a pretty empathetic guy. And somehow you've drained any I've had for you away. You're so wrapped up in your goddamn negativity that you don't even notice the contradictions and double standards that you hold.
Dude you not having a relationship doesn't have anything to do with culture. Maybe when you learn to stop blaming your problems on other people you will learn how to fix them.
The ironic thing is that the people out there most similar to mc's beliefs are churchy people and they'd hate his metal music lol you could still find girls out there who think the way mc thinks big they're not listening to cannibal corpse...
This is a funny observation. It is spot on too, cause I am sure he would find a high percentage of girls that think his ways in church, but none of them would be accepting of the genre of music he listens too.
I knew this guy who went to this cult church. They required their members to donate 40% of their income and they did or they were kicked out (no joke). Anyways, I knew this guy because I worked with him, and he had a gf in the church that he always talked about. He told me that he had never held hands with a girl, never hugged or kissed a girl (other than his mom and grandmas), and that he believed the only proper time to have sexual intercourse was to procreate. The very first kiss he ever had was when he got married at the alter in front of 500-800 family members.
I told him he should Kill himself. He didn't listen. sucker.
WakeOfAshesPosts: 21,665destroyer of motherfuckers
Maybe it would be better to convince MC to just stop listening to metal and to go get involved in the church seen more. At least he would be around people that agree with him, and would be more accepting of what he thinks.
Ya know. The only thing that irks me about MC is that he thinks we are so against him. I highly doubt there is one person that dislikes him because of his views. He just automatically assumes we think he's an idiot when we're just trying to help give him perspective.
Holy fuck it's all making sense now. Something extrememly traumatic most have happened to MC when he was 10-13 that caused him to be stuck in that mental makeup.
Ya know. The only thing that irks me about MC is that he thinks we are so against him. I highly doubt there is one person that dislikes him because of his views. He just automatically assumes we think he's an idiot when we're just trying to help give him perspective.
Typical virgin teenager
Im supposed to take your perspective, but you all just laugh at mine? Fuck you
I will never look posively at sex. you will never see the negative side of sex we will continue to argue about this topic every other week we should all kill ourselves
I will never look posively at sex. you will never see the negative side of sex we will continue to argue about this topic every other week we should all kill ourselves
Except I do acknowledge the negatives sides of sex..
>wants to form opinions about sex
>Cant because of sex centered "dating" culture
>can still form opinion, make observation, and critique society
I knew this guy who went to this cult church. They required their members to donate 40% of their income and they did or they were kicked out (no joke). Anyways, I knew this guy because I worked with him, and he had a gf in the church that he always talked about. He told me that he had never held hands with a girl, never hugged or kissed a girl (other than his mom and grandmas), and that he believed the only proper time to have sexual intercourse was to procreate. The very first kiss he ever had was when he got married at the alter in front of 500-800 family members.
I told him he should Kill himself. He didn't listen. sucker.
MC download jars of Clay and Third Day...
Typical virgin teenager
Plus this line is what we've been doing with you for months
I will never look posively at sex.
you will never see the negative side of sex
we will continue to argue about this topic every other week
we should all kill ourselves