nah, not seeing sabbath is way worse than your first world rivers edge problem. you saw tool eventually, Ill never see the godfathers of doom now.
"met" ozzy at least I guess
Seeing Sabbath in the current state is worst than not seeing them at all. They are too old now, it's over. All they are doing now is ruining their legacy.
I saw them 2 summers ago and they stilled killed it. Other than tool best metal show of my life
I've seen them (and/or Ozzy) about a dozen times from the late 80's until semi-recently. They are about the same as Metallica, except even older. They have good material but just aren't as good as they were in their prime.
ill say it again, but ozzy was horrible when i saw him. Forgot lyrics and couldn't hold any notes. Which i can't blame him hes old as fuck. One of the worst shows iv ever paid for.
WakeOfAshesPosts: 21,665destroyer of motherfuckers
When I watched him, it's almost with this sort of awe.... awe that he is still standing after the abuse his body took with drugs drinking and living that lifestyle. The dudes a wreck and it's like this sort of strange wonder why I even like watching him. It's kinda like he's just some insane crazy man that is just going though the same motions that he has done over the last 20 years. Sometimes I would wonder if he is actually dead and just being controlled like a puppet. I'm convinced that isnt true... I was close to stage, no strings.
"met" ozzy at least I guess