Fuck everybody hating. When I saw Sabbath on the 13 tour, it was one of the best shows I've ever seen and still is. Iommi and Geezer were fucking perfection ^:)^ And all the people bitching about Ozzy's vocals. He was pretty damn good when I saw them. Just the fact that I was able to witness Sabbath before they died or retired made me feel like the luckiest fuck in the world. Legends \m/
I was scared as fuck before the show. I was relying on my brother to drop off his car so I could use it to make it to the show. Out of no where, I'm slapped with working later than I was supposed to. Was supposed to get off at 7pm, instead I got out at like 8:15. So I pick up my buddy and I am speeding to the venue which is about a twenty minutes away from the ballpark I was working at at the time. We didn't want to miss a single second of Sabbath's set. So it was a struggle between speed to the venue and make it on time and hope we don't get fucking pulled over because then we are definitely missing some. Only parking available was far as fuck, so here we are tired as hell after work and just running frantically to the entrance. I don't think my fat ass has ever put effort into running that hard before. We run in and literally the second we get to our seats, like the very second we got in front of our seats, the lights went out and you hear Ozzy's laugh and Sabbath comes on stage. We spent the next couple of hours in a state of this beautiful, excited, going ape shit vibe. I wish I could relive that moment. Really hope they do some U.S. shows before this wrap up.
I waited 2 years to see Graveyard and when I finally got my ticket, I mixed up dates and didn't go haha eventually saw them though I guess nbd. Heaven and Hell on metal masters since dio kinda died.
The fact that this dude that killed my friend escaped a mental health facility he wasn't even supposed to be at in the first place. Stupid judges ruling "incompetent to stand trial" my ass. Trial has been delayed for two years already, probably more. He's guilty, knows it, probably planned all this out from the beginning, and I'm sick of all this bs. Put his fucking ass away like it should have been a long time ago /rant