I don't care if I suck or not. It's about having fun. Chicks do usually tell me I'm a good dancer doe. Regardless it's about letting loose and not giving a fuck.
Its not even that I'm just bad at it. I am bad at it, its true. But its not fun. I don't dont like dance music. I don't like the scene. I feel like a goon whenever I attempt it. Other people look like fools.
Like 90% of the funnest shit in life is looking like a fool and not giving a shit.
do you think you don't look retarded playing a guitar on stage screaming and twirling your hair? Lmao it's equally as retarded. Quit being so subjectively judgemetal.
Find a sturdy poll and instead of putting a women on top of it tie a rope and jump.
do you think you don't look retarded playing a guitar on stage screaming and twirling your hair? Lmao it's equally as retarded. Quit being so subjectively judgemetal.
Nobody in my group thinks dancing is fun. We all hate it.