Freshman year of high school we had to watch a political show once a week for the whole semester and do a write up on it. Everyone else chose the typical CNN or Fox bullshit but I just got high and watched the Daily Show ) Teacher said no one thought to pick it )
Had a horrible day today. Tried to get Dunkin at the drive thru I go to everyday but they installed a new awning like six in lower and I fucked the roof of my truck up and raped their awning lol fuck gonna cost me a good amount... And my boss is hella pissed obv.. I just wanted a fucking coffee
WakeOfAshesPosts: 21,665destroyer of motherfuckers
are they going to make you or your insurance pay for it? Cause I feel like they need to post maximum heights and if they just installed it then they might not have updated the max height signs.
Nigga only has 2 afternoon classes on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. His parents are pretty much paying his tuition and rent so he can sell drugs all day.
This dude just sits around and gets stoned all day. If I hit him up at like 4am he'd prolly pick up. Might just get bud instead.
Prolly. Even when I was selling drugs, I still had a part time job.