Has anyone ever taken Bactrim for anything? I ask only cause I took it for acne, but it serves multiple purposes such as bacterial infections, UTIs, etc.
Anyways, I stopped taking it because while my doctor said nausea might be an issue, I had daily severe stomach pain cause of the shit and decided it wasn't worth it.
Fast forward 2 months later and I still have daily stomach pain that I never had before. Not to mention I read that other side effects (Although I haven't found anything showing these effects still happening after being off the medication, just while taking it.) are extreme fatigue and lumbar pain, among an entire paragraph of doom's worth of others. These stuck out to me because lately I've been absolutely fucking drained. Slept 10 hours today and felt like I had been up all day just 4 hours after waking up. And this is just one example, it's been every day lately and I've felt like a fucking zombie, knocking out here and there all thru the day. I've NEVER been that type, always goin on 14-16 hours awake like a well oiled machine. And then the lumbar part, I randomly woke up about a month ago wit my back in terrible pain, the lumbar to be specific, to where I could barely bend over. Sidelined me from the gym until just recently. And I originally thought maybe I tweaked it at the gym followed by sleeping on it wrong and it just fucked me up, except that last week it did the same thing, sudden severe pain literally out of nowhere after standing up from eating.
I'm worried that this shit seriously fucked me up. Goddamnit.
go to a physio or chiropractor maybe?
your back could just be out?
Theres a rap in there somewhere
what is it this month?
the pan flute saved my life