But now I realize she just gets excited over any guy that shows her affection, but she will eventually lose that "new relationship" feeling and just move on to the next. No one is ever "good enough", she can't just be happy with what she has.
Ding ding ding. Yep... This happens a lot with women these days. Dont waste your time with women at all
>try to have a relationship with this girl >says "things changed" and just wants to be friends >okay.jpg >finally decide to stop wasting time over her >she gets with some other guy >he cheats on her after literally two days >haven't talked to her in a week or so >texts me at like 2am waking me up >"I've been thinking about you a lot lately" >.... >what the fuck, bitch please
I struggled for like five years with an on and off relationship. It sucked. I'll never put myself through that shit again. My only advice to give is that "if the past comes knocking, don't answer, it has nothing new to say."
That's been a long life rule with me as well. Basically what I've always thought is : 1. The relationship ended once. Why? 3. How exactly has the situation changed such that it wont end this exact same way again in the future???
In general people's essences don't change. People learn new shit, and have new experiences that change their perception on aspects of life, but their root core is still pretty much the same. If you are ending a relationship, I'd hope it was due to root core differences that probably wont ever change. And if you ended the relationship over some really superficial trivial shit, then that speaks volumes to your own root core issues. Basically there are very few reasons I would ever redate the past, and it needs to be one good fucking reason.
WakeOfAshesPosts: 21,665destroyer of motherfuckers
A good reason - You break up with a girl because your job transferred you from Seattle to NY and she had to stay in Seattle because of her work. You were both mature enough to realize that long distance relationships are too difficult to work so you break up but remain friends. There wasn't anything you really hated about the relationship, but the distance was too great to make it work. 2 years later she moves to NY for her job. you are both living in teh same city again.... Hell yeah, I'd start dating her again. We broke up because of distance, and that reason we broke up has changed because we now live close together. It's only reasons like this that I would ever consider dating an ex-gf.
WakeOfAshesPosts: 21,665destroyer of motherfuckers
Personally I'd text her back Facefuck. Now that you realize what her game is, you can stop getting your feelings involved with it and just use it as an opportunity to get your dick wet.
Personally I'd text her back Facefuck. Now that you realize what her game is, you can stop getting your feelings involved with it and just use it as an opportunity to get your dick wet.
At this point I'd rather just do that in Jax this weekend than with her right now.
1. The relationship ended once. Why?
3. How exactly has the situation changed such that it wont end this exact same way again in the future???
In general people's essences don't change. People learn new shit, and have new experiences that change their perception on aspects of life, but their root core is still pretty much the same. If you are ending a relationship, I'd hope it was due to root core differences that probably wont ever change. And if you ended the relationship over some really superficial trivial shit, then that speaks volumes to your own root core issues. Basically there are very few reasons I would ever redate the past, and it needs to be one good fucking reason.
"sorry been kinda busy"
then when she asks what you were busy with respond with
At this point I'd rather just do that in Jax this weekend than with her right now.