Wanted to finish the Captain Morgan in the freezer but I have nothing to mix or chase it with. I know, I'm a basic bitch for not drinking it straight no chase. Now seeing MC's pics I feel inferior.
I ain't about that life. My ability to take alc down without shudder has actually gotten worse over time for some reason. Really like to stick to beer/wine nowadays. Especially since I never stop consuming once I'm drunk, so I won't black out if it's just light stuff accessible.
Its nothing personal, its just that his ego is fragile.
You find any ninja classes yet?
Not yet. I got real busy with music related stuff all of a sudden.
I have an audio project due already, my tracking session is next saturday.
I agreed to act as a studio musician for this girl's audio project - I'll be playing Iron Maiden's Fear of the Dark.
I had a jam/write sesh yesterday and FINALLY got a band going. We're pirate metal. I'm meeting with the keyboardist this weekend to finish the song we started, and then we're all getting together on Monday for another practice.
I have to write either a stoner doom or a grind song for my own audio project
I agreed to be a live musician for this comedy metal band Alaskan Bull Worm
You find any ninja classes yet?
I have an audio project due already, my tracking session is next saturday.
I agreed to act as a studio musician for this girl's audio project - I'll be playing Iron Maiden's Fear of the Dark.
I had a jam/write sesh yesterday and FINALLY got a band going. We're pirate metal. I'm meeting with the keyboardist this weekend to finish the song we started, and then we're all getting together on Monday for another practice.
I have to write either a stoner doom or a grind song for my own audio project
I agreed to be a live musician for this comedy metal band Alaskan Bull Worm
Were you drunk sexting again toddler?