Oh I see. And for the record, I wasn't necessarily bitching. The balancing act of school, work, and a volunteer program that is pretty active is tough. Its kinda sucks not being able to spend time with people during a holiday that's all about spending time with family. I'm grateful for the job and school and shit though. Sometimes its just like "Damn. I got a full ass week this week."
like i said i don't doubt he's a good dude, like i'm sure all of you are(besides erik). yes him losing a son blows and i can't comprehend the pain that comes with it, i don't even want to think about it and i'm not here to debate that. but him bitching about every single thing someone post in a grinds gears thread is fucking stupid.
idk seems like dude has like 0 empathy. he was all about "well if I'm able to do x without a college degree than you shouldn't complain about your life at all because I"m not complaining about my life". Like have some perspective. That being said, I do feel bad for the drive your family off a cliff comment, I forgot about the whole still-born thing.
This could have forum wide implications.