why did I expect you to comment on it? sure it's not the end of the world but it's a decent annoyance I have to make a 4 hour round trip for a 5 hour shift when I could be spending that time with my family during the holiday season instead of giving privileged white assholes bagels the day before christmas because they save their shopping until the last second
I'm working 4pm-close (12:30) Christmas Eve and the day after Christmas. On the plus side since I am working the day before and after Christmas, I'll be getting paid for it Christmas. Only thing that's going to suck is I was hoping to see some people I hadn't in a while whose only free time was between this space of time. Soon hopefully.
Instead of bitching about "privileged white assholes" and the man brining you down don't work there and find a place that makes you happy.
excuse the busy/broke college student for not taking the time to the perfect job over the semester instead of taking a decent job I had guaranteed. You can't relate, shut the fuck up.
You're right I can't relate I work my ass off without bitching day in and day out to provide for my family. Stop with the woe is me.
Now now onto something that matters there's an amber alert here that's very sad someone stole a car with a 20 day old baby in it and is on the run. That would be scary as fuck to be that parent.
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
Drive my family off a cliff? Really? Are you that butthurt you would say something like that especially after I just lost a son? You're in here almost every day complaining about your job or previous jobs. You really need to re evaluate your life and move on to a different job if it makes you upset that often.
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
I complain about work from time to time sure, but not everyday. I work hard in school and my job and don't make a fuss out of shit there unlike other co-workers/classmates even though sometimes I do get frustrated. I choose to voice my frustrations here or on twitter because there are more people in my position (young/in school/working retail jobs) and people can relate. You're a hard working dude and don't complain about your job or the troubles that come with raising a family. Good for you. I'm 20, in school and working a retail job and going through some shit right now emotionally. Sorry you're bothered that I don't want to work at a time that's most often reserved for families to be together.
Now now onto something that matters there's an amber alert here that's very sad someone stole a car with a 20 day old baby in it and is on the run. That would be scary as fuck to be that parent.
drive your family off a cliff, ape. sorry I want to be with my family while we're all still down about my grandfather's death.